Top 3 Albums demanding the majority of your attention aotvm. FTW

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Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Which 3 albums have you been spinning vigorously as of late?!?!?

Pyramaze - Melancholic Beast, or Melancholy Beast, either or. May I make a bold statement and say that this may very well be my fav Power Metal Record Evar!??!

Slumber: Fallout - Holy shit this fucking slays harder than Santa on Christmas Eve. Fans of Novembers Doom, Daylight Dies, Swallow the Sun, take note.

Twisted Tower Dire: The Isle of Hydra - :kickass: enough said.
Warning - Watching From A Distance
Pagan Altar - Mythical And Magical
Mortuary Drape - Tolling 13 Knell
These 3:
Manowar - Gods Of War
Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike
Warning - Watching From a Distance

But not THAT much more than other albums, they just have a slightly more frequent place on my playlist.
BISHOP OF HEXEN - Archives of an Enchanted Philosophy
CELTIC FROST - Demo '84 (Session 6-84)
TORMENTOR - Anno Domini
I thought Bishop Of Hexen was a laughing stock of the international Black Metal scene. :zombie: I came across more than one article talking about how gay they are when I was researching a paper last year.
They're certainly not your "grim" black metal. They're Israeli (which certainly and unfairly contributes to the hatred towards this band) and the album is very much dominated by the keyboards, the guitars are so far back in the mix that most of the time you have to strain to hear them. It's not for everyone, but IMO Archives of an Enchanted Philosophy is a fantastic listen.

Mind you their more recent stuff (post-Archives...) is very mediocre.
Orne - Conjuration of the Fire
Warning - Watching From a Distance
Adramelch - Irae Melanox
Pyramaze - Melancholic Beast, or Melancholy Beast, either or. May I make a bold statement and say that this may very well be my fav Power Metal Record Evar!??!

Jerry, you should check out Legend of the Bone Carver! :headbang:

Slumber: Fallout - Holy shit this fucking slays harder than Santa on Christmas Eve. Fans of Novembers Doom, Daylight Dies, Swallow the Sun, take note.

Slumber eh? They sound familiar... :saint:
Oh hell yes they do. I prefer the MAYHEMIC TRUTH material, especially the Cythraw EP and MORRIGAN's first album, but everything they've done is thoroughly solid.
Overall I prefer Morrigan, but Mayhemic Truth also rules, of course. I like the old Mayhemic Truth song they recorded on the new album quite a bit.
Welcome to Samhain, while still a good album, I think was their weakest album to date. The songs are a little more forgettable, though it's nice to see they're heading in the way of Plague, Waste and Death again in terms of thrashing aggression.
I've only had it for a few days and have only given it two spins thus far, so I'm still not entirely concrete in my opinion of the album, but I honestly think I might ultimately prefer it over Enter The Sea Of Flames and Celts. We'll see though, I'm running through their discography now. I'm up to Where Rainbows End on Headcult.
Twisted Tower Dire: The Isle of Hydra - :kickass: enough said.

Glad some others are taking notice! I've had this one for a while now and it just flat out fucking rules!

DAGGER'S BLADE :headbang:

My 3:

This album took me by surprise. I had already owned and appreciated the quality of the preceding self-titled release, but the leap in songwriting quality on this one was just unfathomable! Some of the best music in this vein to be released since the early 70s, for sure. Highlights: The Servant, Lilly Marion, Ballad of Time, and especially the album-closing title track, Hundus.

BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var
I have been completely sucked in by this album, and it has opened my ears and mind to realms of black metal that I never thought would appeal to me. Deeply evocative, sorrowful, expressive material here, as most of you already know. I'm sure I don't need to say more, but I will. Highlights: En Ring Til A Herske, Lost Wisdom, Nar Himmelen Klarner

SLEEP - Sleep's Holy Mountain
Like the Burzum above, I've owned this for quite a while, and at first did not appreciate it much at all. Upon first listen, this seemed like a dilued and mediocre Black Sabbath ripoff with shit vocals. I have since grown to love everything about it, from the often laughable lyrics to the GODDAMN RIFFS to the pleasing acoustic track, "Some Grass." Highlights: Dragonaut, Inside the Sun, Aquarian.