Top 5 Guitar Solos


Apr 14, 2001
Ok, Im bored, whats everyones top 5 guitar solos?
Mine are (in no particular order)

* The ones on Fade to black (all of em!)
* The ones on One (Kirk used to kick so much arse, what happened??
* Wasted Years
* Tears of the dragon (RoyZ is great :) )
* A solos of Slave to the Grind by Skid Row (pretty much take your pick!)
* The Idol (SO 80s I love it :) )

Ok thats 6....
I don't know about 5, but 2 I can think of off hand is the one in Alexander the Great and in the Conception song Cardinal Sin. Great solos those are :D
Van Halen - Eruption
Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley
Ozzy Sobourne - Crazy Train
WASP - Sleeping (In The Fire)
WASP - The Idol
Apart from Mr Crowley and Crazy Train, the only one that comes to mind is the brilliant solo in Scarred by Dream Theater.

I must agree, the solo in Cliffhanger is great.
Troops ,Mr Crowley and Crazy Train were the only 2 which I could think of straight away the other was funnly enough Eruption. No accounting for great taste.
Deep Purple (ritchie Blackmore) - Highway Star
Rainbow (Blackmore) - Gates of Babylon/Stargazer
Steve Morse's solo from the 99' Deep Purple Melbourne show (on Total Abandon).... all 10 minutes of it!! This is some awesome shit!!!!!
Deep Purple (Steve Morse) - Sometimes I feel like Screaming
Dream Theater (John Petrucci) - Voices/Scarred/Beyond this life/The Spirit carries On/Under a Glass Moon (awesome solo)
John Petrucci - fading fast (from Explorers Club)
Pink Floyd (David Gilmour) - Comfortably Numb
Eagles - Hotel California
Black Sabbath (Iommi) - Dirty Women
Satch - Surfing with the Alien
Vai - I would love too

This is fun. I could come up with more, but need to think.
Originally posted by Stevo
Nah. You've all missed the point. :)

Dave Gilmour's solo at the end of Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb. Geez he makes his guitar sing.

Actually, I'll pay that - I'm not a Floyd fan at all but that one was pretty tasty!

Damn near any of Gary Moore's solos, especially his blues solos bring tears to my eyes like every time! Godlike! *bows*
Two words: "Dark Light."

Ol' Spaceman Frehley may not be the most technical guitar player in the world, but this one has made my jaw drop consistently for the last 20 years.

Other honourable mentions are Brian May's guest spot on "Headless Cross", Van Halen's "Eruption" and of course "Caught Somewhere In Time."