Top Five Favorite Metal Singers

IMO right now Ripper is the best. :worship: Not so much of a frontman,but as a singer,no one can beat him nowadays! My heart is bleeding for the guy though.Such an incredible singer with shit out of luck.He would deserve a much better recognition and treatment!
Mine are:
1. Bruce Dickinson/Kirsten “Bruce Chickinson” Rosenberg
2. Rob Halford/ Tim "Ripper" Owens
3. Michael Kiske
4. Ronnie James Dio
5. Geoff Tate

Wow, now that's some serious flattery... :eek: But, truthfully, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!" :worship:

Myself aside, excellent choices. I agree Michael Kiske is phenomenal--and I used to love Helloween--but he wouldn't make my Top 5 list. And how are we defining "metal"? I dunno, I'm a huge fan of so many singers, like Eric Martin, Ray Gillen, Jeff Keith, etc., etc. I don't think I can pick only 5.

But I will agree--especially after I've seen him perform live on multiple occasions-- Tim "Ripper" Owens is the best all-round "metal" singer these days. Absolutely jaw-dropping incredible. And couldn't be a nicer, more down-to-earth fellow.
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10115302 said:
Tim "Ripper" Owens is the best all-round "metal" singer these days. Absolutely jaw-dropping incredible. And couldn't be a nicer, more down-to-earth fellow.

...and AMEN to that! :headbang:
Well,if we're talkin' about favorite it too embarrassing if I admit that I like Christina Aguilera? I know it sounds REALLY bad but the chick actually CAN sing! She got problems memorizing the lyrics sometimes though :heh:
Anette Olzon over Tarja Turunen, really? That's an opinion you don't hear often. I like her voice a lot too although I'm still partial to old Nightwish. That first single from Imaginareum is a great song

I'm definitely of that opinion too Nita. I never liked Nightwish until Dark Passion Play came out.

Anyway, five vocalists that I really love (in no particular order):

James Hetfield
Bruce Dickinson
Gigi Hangach
Robb Flynn
Michael Poulson
Maybe I'm odd (wo)man out on this, but I do not like the whole Nightwish style of operatic female voice with metal. Yes, the women have nice voices but that concept (or gimmick) the fuck out of me.
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10119029 said:
Maybe I'm odd (wo)man out on this, but I do not like the whole Nightwish style of operatic female voice with metal. Yes, the women have nice voices but that concept (or gimmick) the fuck out of me.

I completely agree with you Kirsten. I've never been a fan of the whole Nightwish/Within Temptation style of music. I'm certainly not a big Nightwish fan, but I did think Dark Passion Play is a great album. That's one reason I love Gigi and Phantom Blue so much. It's girls singing/playing but it's ballsy metal too. Not this nicey nice way of singing like these other bands. With Gigi, you know it's a girl but she can sing metal better than alot of guys out there.
Everyone likes Christina Aguilera. The topic was metal singers though ;)

:oops: Oops...and for the second time today! :erk:

Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10119029 said:
Maybe I'm odd (wo)man out on this, but I do not like the whole Nightwish style of operatic female voice with metal. Yes, the women have nice voices but that concept (or gimmick) the fuck out of me.

Ditto! :D
That's one reason I love Gigi and Phantom Blue so much. It's girls singing/playing but it's ballsy metal too. Not this nicey nice way of singing like these other bands. With Gigi, you know it's a girl but she can sing metal better than alot of guys out there.

Absafuckinlutely! I love Gigi's voice, too, for exactly the same reason. :headbang:
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10119284 said:
Absafuckinlutely! I love Gigi's voice, too, for exactly the same reason. :headbang:

And for the guys' point of view,let's not forget how hot she was! (or still is?...I don't know) :devil:
Anette Olzon over Tarja Turunen, really? That's an opinion you don't hear often. I like her voice a lot too although I'm still partial to old Nightwish. That first single from Imaginareum is a great song

Your mind will be changed with the full Imaginaerum. I have, um, obtained a copy. I'll buy it when it comes out but damn if I'm waiting 6 freakin weeks.

Anyway, her singing is vastly improved on this album. Tuomas knew how to write for her and she improved tons thanks to 2 years of touring. On the new album there's a jazzy song, where she sings more of a lounge style, and another called "Scaretale" where she basically channels the Wicked Witch of the West. Yes, Tarja was an opera singer, but I doubt she would ever take the chances Anette took on this album.

Also, after reading the book on Nightwish, I just plain don't like Tarja any more or that dick of a husband of hers. He got away with meddling in that band's affairs for years, thanks to Finnish passivity and their tendency toward avoidance of confrontation. I mean, getting a band thrown off an Iron Maiden tour would have been grounds for murder by almost any other band.

And this is a favorites list, after all. :)
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10119029 said:
Maybe I'm odd (wo)man out on this, but I do not like the whole Nightwish style of operatic female voice with metal. Yes, the women have nice voices but that concept (or gimmick) the fuck out of me.

It wasn't a strategy on their part. It's just that Tarja was a friend who joined the band and had an incredible voice. Have you ever heard "Elvenpath" from their first album? It opens with her speaking. Listen to how deep and strong her voice is, and remember she was about 18-19 years old when did that album.

The fact is she was going to opera school in the early years of the band and simply sang Nightwish songs in that style. So she fitted herself to the band. The first album was before her opera school days, so she hasn't gone full operatic yet. She's pretty easy to understand on that album.

When she got bounced, Tuomas said he was not looking for another opera style singer. Clearly they didn't in their choice of Anette, which was a huge risk on their part. They chose a singer who was essentially a 35-year-old rookie.
Also, after reading the book on Nightwish, I just plain don't like Tarja any more or that dick of a husband of hers. He got away with meddling in that band's affairs for years, thanks to Finnish passivity and their tendency toward avoidance of confrontation. I mean, getting a band thrown off an Iron Maiden tour would have been grounds for murder by almost any other band.

How did that happen?