Top songs for 2003


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
While I'm an album-centric listener, I have noticed that lots of individual songs have really struck me this year. List your top contenders, and also how they stack up against your top albums for the year!

Radiohead – Myxomatosis
Ulver – Vowels
A Perfect Circle – The Noose
Morbid Angel – Beneath the Hollow
Opeth – In My Time of Need
Omnium Gatherum – The Perfumed Garden
Ephel Duath – The Other's Touch (amaranth)
Type O Negative – Gimme that (IYDKMIGTHTKY)
King Crimson – Elektrik
Antimatter – The Art of a Soft Landing
Marilyn Manson - The New Shit
Manes – Diving With Your Hands Bound (early flying)
Vital Remains - Dechristianize

Out of these, only 6 reside on albums in my current top 10 for the year, which is sorta strange...
This is tough. I've already edited this list a few times because I started to literally think of a decent song on every 2003 album I heard, so I'll narrow this down to the true standouts. That's not to say that there are many more excellent tracks, these are just fucking highlights which make me think '2003, yeah baby':

King Diamond - Magic
Vader - Shape Shifter
Enslaved - As Fire Clean Swept the Earth
Windir - Martyrium
Ulver - Vowels
Virgin Black - Cult of Crucifixion
Negura Bunget - III
Falkenbach - Donar's Oak
Vital Remains - Entwined by Vengeance
Cradle of Filth - Hurt and Virtue
Manes - Diving With Your Hands Bound
Evergrey - Recreation Day
Iron Maiden - Montsegur

Special Mention: Manes - Confluence (just because it is fucked up and we talked quite a bit about it and the movie sampling. I'll definitely be reminded of 2003 when I hear it).
Erik said:
Negurã Bunget "'N Crugu Bradului"
Heh, that's pretty much why I didn't include any song (passage is probably a more fitting word) from that in my list, although I agree with JayKeeley that III is the best. :D


Morbid Angel - Beneath the Hollow
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should own Heretic just for this song alone, words cannot describe how incredible it is. Steve Tucker proved an awesome replacement for Vincent long ago, but this song is proof that now he is one of the best vocalists in death metal.

A Perfect Circle - The Noose
The last 30 seconds of this song is a moment of musical brilliance, if you don't get chills hearing this part you have no soul. :p Ali, you simply must get this album, I know you love Maynard!
NAD said:
Morbid Angel - Beneath the Hollow
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should own Heretic just for this song alone, words cannot describe how incredible it is. Steve Tucker proved an awesome replacement for Vincent long ago, but this song is proof that now he is one of the best vocalists in death metal.
Yeah it is good, and I like "Enshined by Grace" too - I read an interview with Trey where he said he wanted to experiment with the stereo output on that song, in that he's ended up playing two separate polyrhythms, one for each left and right output that somehow meet in the middle.

Erik would love the copyright protection on Heretic. Similar to Crimson II, they've put track breaks throughout each song so track 1 is really track 1-25, and then the second song starts at track 26. :loco:

A Perfect Circle - The Noose
The last 30 seconds of this song is a moment of musical brilliance, if you don't get chills hearing this part you have no soul. :p Ali, you simply must get this album, I know you love Maynard!
I know. Damn these 24 hour days. :(
JayKeeley said:
Yeah it is good, and I like "Enshined by Grace" too - I read an interview with Trey where he said he wanted to experiment with the stereo output on that song, in that he's ended up playing two separate polyrhythms, one for each left and right output that somehow meet in the middle.
Yeah, I just read an interview with him yesterday about the polyrhythm bit. I later messed with the balance to hear each separate part, and the true genious of the song was revealed.

Erik would love the copyright protection on Heretic. Similar to Crimson II, they've put track breaks throughout each song so track 1 is really track 1-25, and then the second song starts at track 26. :loco:
??? Is this just the promo version? Mine isn't like that.
Likely to be just the promo. If anyone did that to a proper retail CD I paid for I'd break the CD into small pieces, find the fuckface responsible and gouge out his eyes with the shards then force him to eat them. Then I'd tell him I'm not very happy with the copy protection scheme he came up with and would he please reconsider using it in the future?
NAD said:
Told you they were good. ;)

I still only have Litany and De Profundis, I need more.
I have those two based on your reviews, Resurrection, and Blood/Reign. Just let me know if you want CD-Rs - I actually think Resurrection could be my favourite...
Nah, I need to buy those, I know they're worth it.

What do you think of De Profundis? Many consider it a masterpiece. I think it's damn close...
NAD said:
What do you think of De Profundis? Many consider it a masterpiece. I think it's damn close...
Way too early to tell. Only listened to it a few times, but I'm positive I'll enjoy it more with subsequent listens. In contrast, Resurrection is very accessible, but don't take that as a negative.

I'm curious about early Vader - did they start off in the style they still play now? Or were they similar to Behemoth starting out in black metal/other genre and then transforming?

I finished two reviews last night: the new Falkenbach, and Vader's Blood EP. :Smug:
Add Mörk Gryning - The Cradle of Civilization to the list. :)

I'm not familiar with anything before De Profundis, by the way.
Individual songs? You gotta be out of your mind! I've noticed that as I get older, I know song titles less and less. When I was young, I would study lyric sheets and all that shit, but now I listen to music mostly in the car. Songs nowadays are referred to by their track number, or "you know, that one with that cool part."
Well yeah, I had to look up or toss the CD on to figure out the majority of my list, I rarely even know the track number anymore.
I think that each of my favourite albums from this year have some real standout songs - which inherently makes the album a favourite in the first place!

Truth be known, I'll be hardpressed to say that I've heard a 2003 album where I love each and every track. There's always been a few songs that I could live without...

...except maybe Negura Bunget and King Diamond.
so far...

Green Carnation - Writings On The Wall
Iron Maiden - Paschendale
Zyklon - Two Thousand Years
Evergrey - As I Lie Here Bleeding
Nightrage - At The Ends of The Earth
At Vance - Street of My Dreams
John Arch - Cheyenne
Entombed - Young & Dead
Opeth - In My Time of Need
Gordian Knot - Singing Deep Mountain
I've noticed that as I get older, I know song titles less and less. When I was young, I would study lyric sheets and all that shit, but now I listen to music mostly in the car. Songs nowadays are referred to by their track number, or "you know, that one with that cool part."
:) ... so true

As far as the original question ... again becuase i do not remember i only hava a few

Negura Bunget - II (for it's Romanian folk music undertones)
Morbid Angel - Beneath the Hollow + Stricken Arise

Been listening to a lot of older releases this year ...