Top vocalists, just your opinions


Oct 17, 2006
Northwestern SC, USA
To me, just to me, okay, so don't blast or insult me, I don't care what genre you like, how good the musicians are, or how inventive or talented everyone in the group is, without incredible vocals, you have nothing (this, of course, excludes bands that only do instrumental stuff). I am a fan of prog metal, but not too educated on what and all is out there. I'm looking for suggestions on prog bands with GREAT vocalists. Here are some I already know about, so don't mention them, please:

Kamelot - Roy Khan is fabulous, but man they need some new sounds, they just keep rehashing crap

Vanden Plas - like it, but not quite gritty enough, needs more soul

Dream Theater - hate it

Circus Maximus - Meh

Fates Warning - hate it

Adagio - hate it (my sons are astounded that I hate Adagio, but they directly ripped SX off)

Winterfell - OMG OMG horrible

TYR - I wasted my money, this is TOTAL crap (I know, it ain't really prog, but someone might mention them anyway)

Angra - Meh

Symphony X - Russell Allen has no equal. My favorite of all time. EVER. I never tire of hearing this man sing.

Rush - Meh

Evergrey - Tom Englund is not bad but he's limited

There are others, but I don't have my CD collection here with me. I'm not talking about high-voiced opera-boy sounding vocals, I mean someone with RANGE and passion in his/her voice. Someone who can sing a tender lullaby and then sound like a demon. Russell Allen, as far as I know at this point, has the market. 100% of it. I don't like death, thrash, black, doom, speed, or anything like that, so please don't offer suggestions along those lines.
Fates Warning - hate it

Hey buddy FUCK YOU

>: (

Nah, seriously, check out Arno Menses. He sang on Sieges Even's final two albums: The Art of Navigating by the Stars and Paramount, and he has a lot of melody and variety. World-class vocalist.

Also, as far as Fates Warning, I assume you're talking about Ray Alder? He's fantastic but their old vocalist has one of the sexiest voices of all time.

If you like Khan, check out Conception...they are far more aried and interesting than Kamelot, though his voice was a bit less mature at the time.

And while it might not be your thing, I think Rick Mythiasin has such an awesome voice.

Oh and Lars!

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Yeah, hating on Ray Alder of Fates is pretty crazy. That guy has incredible pipes. Post, please tell me you're joking with "Fata Morgana"...

Of those mentioned already Khan and Allen are the absolute best. Here's my list of favorite vocalists (in no order) and definitely not all prog:

Matt Barlow (Iced Earth) - If you want someone who literally can sound like a wise father figure in a ballad and then instantly switch into demon mode, Barlow is it. I hold strong to my belief that if Satan sang in a metal band he would have this man's voice.

John Bush (Armored Saint/Anthrax) - Technically a great singer, but it's more about the style and less about the technicality. All around probably my favorite.

Tommy Karevik (Seventh Wonder) - The only prog singer (other than Rus) capable of making bluesy vocal runs believable in heavy music.
Peter Gabriel (ex-Genesis)
Best voice in prog rock.

Kjetil Nordhus (ex-Green Carnation)
Excellent, underrated, clean vocals.

Kristoffer Rygg / Garm (ex-Arcturus)
Weird as hell but I don't think many can sing falsetto quite like him.

Stine Mari Langstrand (ex-Lumsk)
The most beautiful female voice in music.

Dan Swanö (ex-Edge of Sanity/Nightingale)
Great emotional clean vocals in Nightingale, brutal as fuck in EoS. Almost on par with Åkerfeldt.

Åkerfeldt (Opeth)
As versatile as Swanö but slightly better at both extremes.

Jon Anderson (Yes)
The most soothing and relaxing voice in music.

Allen (Symphony X)
The vocalist every prog/power metal band wants their singer to be like...

Mike Patton (Mr Bungle, Faith no More, lots)
One of the best rock singers ever.

Steve Hogarth (Marillion)
Well they're the best band in the world, and Hogarth has a pretty unique voice/style.

John Arch (ex-Fates Warning)
Geoff Tate (Queensrÿche)
Heather Findlay (ex-Mostly Autumn)
Rachel Jones (ex-Karnataka)
Herman Saming (A.C.T.)
Devin Townsend
I agree theres so much music I can not bear simply due to the quality of the vocalists pipes.

vocalists who have stood out to me for a variety of reasons from just outstanding timbre, expression, phrasing, character to rauchous in your face rock
young Robert Plant (in the studio, forget about live)
Mark Farner
Sammy Hagar
Steven Tyler (Haggar and Tyler have the ultimate qualities for hardrock)
Steve Perry rare set of pipes, abit too clean and I didnt like much of Journeys pop hardrock, I always liked Gregg Rolies voice and the first two albums best, even with the not so great songs
Geddy Lee, yup, I shudder to think of my musical history without the various tones of Gettys voice
Freddie Mercury
Bob Seger
Burton Cummings
Tommy Bolin

BUT anyhow... METAL

Jon Oliva - Zach Stevens
Ray Alder
Geoff Tate
Dave Mustaine
Roy Kahn
Russell Allen
Matt Barlow
James LaBrie - before everyone freaks... I like about half his parts and not the other, I cant pinpoint this guys pros and cons or comprehend how its possible to sound both great and horrible within minutes
James LaBrie - before everyone freaks... I like about half his parts and not the other, I cant pinpoint this guys pros and cons or comprehend how its possible to sound both great and horrible within minutes

So true, totally agreed. Innocence Faded is confusing that way.

I'm the only one with women in my list. Just an observation.

What the fuck is a woman?
Besides the obvious, I really like:

Pagan's Mind's vocalist
Devin Townsend
Mikael Åkerfeldt
I'm the only one with women in my list. Just an observation.

And you do have a couple of good one's there but where's Anneke Van Giersbergen?! Imo. She is WITH EASE one of the best female singers ever to sing in a metal band.
Peter Gabriel (ex-Genesis)
Best voice in prog rock.

Kjetil Nordhus (ex-Green Carnation)
Excellent, underrated, clean vocals.

Kristoffer Rygg / Garm (ex-Arcturus)
Weird as hell but I don't think many can sing falsetto quite like him.

Stine Mari Langstrand (ex-Lumsk)
The most beautiful female voice in music.

Dan Swanö (ex-Edge of Sanity/Nightingale)
Great emotional clean vocals in Nightingale, brutal as fuck in EoS. Almost on par with Åkerfeldt.

Åkerfeldt (Opeth)
As versatile as Swanö but slightly better at both extremes.

Jon Anderson (Yes)
The most soothing and relaxing voice in music.

Allen (Symphony X)
The vocalist every prog/power metal band wants their singer to be like...

Mike Patton (Mr Bungle, Faith no More, lots)
One of the best rock singers ever.

Steve Hogarth (Marillion)
Well they're the best band in the world, and Hogarth has a pretty unique voice/style.

John Arch (ex-Fates Warning)
Geoff Tate (Queensrÿche)
Heather Findlay (ex-Mostly Autumn)
Rachel Jones (ex-Karnataka)
Herman Saming (A.C.T.)
Devin Townsend
See, I don't even have to reply cause of this.:worship:
One more I feel is worth mentioning is Buddy Lackey...imagine early progressive metal (Queensrÿche, Fates Warning) vocals combined with groove, psychedelia, technical metal, and grunge into a delicious combination.

Also reposting the Mythiasin link because apparently only a certain number are allowed per post. I think it's hard to do aggressive vocals well, and he does.

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Matt Barlow is my favorite because he can do so many types of songs and he sounds so believable in each one of those types. Plus he has awesome metal screams and has great control over his voice.

Russell Allen is my second favorite because.. well most of you know why already.
Dio, Allen, Tate, Townsend, are all great.

- Grahem Bonnet back in the day.
- Ray Gillen,
- Ian Gillan,
- Dickinson,
- Freddy Mercury was exceptional, not metal but worth mentioning.
- Eric Adams in his day,
- Rob Halford is a little shrill for my liking.