Tori Amos

Favorite Tori Amos record

  • Little Earthquakes

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Under the Pink

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Boys for Pele

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • From the Choirgirl Hotel

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • To Venus and Back

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scarlett's Walk

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Strange Little Girls

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • The Beekeeper

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Elliot Smith is a vastly inferior musician in terms of basically everything technical, his music is much less varied in all ways possible, and since I'm a wanker I like Tori Amos. Bjork and Jeff Buckley are great too and probably more creative than her, but it doesn't stop me from liking her material. And I'd much rather listen to her than about 90% of the stuff that NFU listens to so :p
wankerness said:
Elliot Smith is a vastly inferior musician in terms of basically everything technical, his music is much less varied in all ways possible, and since I'm a wanker I like Tori Amos. Bjork and Jeff Buckley are great too and probably more creative than her, but it doesn't stop me from liking her material. And I'd much rather listen to her than about 90% of the stuff that NFU listens to so :p

LOL at you even being able to begin to wrap your misshapen head around "90%" of what i listen to. your rudimentary toddler attention span couldnt even begin to grasp the musical greatness and understanding i possess.
NineFeetUnderground said:
LOL at you even being able to begin to wrap your misshapen head around "90%" of what i listen to. your rudimentary toddler attention span couldnt even begin to grasp the musical greatness and understanding i possess.

If that quote right there doesn't let everyone on this forum know how much of a sock-sniffer NFU is, then nothing will.
BurningSky said:
If that quote right there doesn't let everyone on this forum know how much of a sock-sniffer NFU is, then nothing will.

you keep ringing that bell and saying "ho ho ho" for your cause there mr. inept and outclassed charity case. i wouldnt hold my breathe for a big turnout on your low self esteem bandwagon anytime soon.
Ahhh, NFU, how you make me laugh. The fact that you would dismiss Tori Amos as 'crap' highlights perfectly that you do nothing except blow hot air. However often you may claim your tastes are 'better', 'more intelligent', 'ahead of your time' or 'better informed', it always becomes apparent they just aren't. They're as flawed or lacking as anyone elses. Which is why you're entertaining. If your head wasn't so far up your ass, it would take away half the point of reading your posts. Seriously, you're like a gigantic jerk.

In your defence, at least you take music seriously.
Powers said:
I like the kid, he's funny, just don't take him seriously.

As I've said 100 times before, anyone who takes elitists seriously isn't really worth my time.

elitist? i have the most eclectic taste of anyone on this message board. period. the point is tori amos is basically just an amateurish photocopy of everyone she was influenced by. that is why she is crap.
Liquid Diamonds said:
Ahhh, NFU, how you make me laugh. The fact that you would dismiss Tori Amos as 'crap' highlights perfectly that you do nothing except blow hot air. However often you may claim your tastes are 'better', 'more intelligent', 'ahead of your time' or 'better informed', it always becomes apparent they just aren't. They're as flawed or lacking as anyone elses. Which is why you're entertaining. If your head wasn't so far up your ass, it would take away half the point of reading your posts. Seriously, you're like a gigantic jerk.

In your defence, at least you take music seriously.

my head isnt up my ass. you just obviously havent heard enough. seriously day youll understand.

believe me...theres not enough time in the day to listen to tori amos...those of you who think im a "gigantic jerk", just havent reached that point yet. Or i guess just have very low standards for female singer/songwriters.
i aint play this said:
I've read somewhere that Tori's first album was pop metal...can anyone confirm?

Pasted from

Y Kant Tori Read - Atlantic 1988.

Now then, about the worst album ever recorded.

If I did that piece of html correctly, this photo pretty much says it all. But let's continue, just for shits, grins and thousands of dollars in uncut cocaine. First of all, it is NOT "pop metal." I have no clue why that old wives' tale has been spreading down from generation to generation. It is an '80s keyboard pop album - and a particularly bad one! You know how Madonna left dance to do pop a few albums into her career? When the mindless dancey fun of "Lucky Star" gave way to the self-important grimness of "Papa Don't Preach" and "Live To Tell"? This album sounds exactly like that stuff, but without a single moment of distinct, memorable melody from beginning to end. Just loads of really stupid-sounding out-of-date 80s keyboard tones, watery pussball fake drums, the timeless sounds of the Synth Bass and Tori's already-tortured voice tempered with gallons of "bitch attitude" and self-confidence. Weak metal guitar solos appear in a few songs (courtesy of Cheap Trick's Rick Nielsen? God I hope not, but supposedly both he and Robin Zander appear on here -- plus Cheap Trick really DID suck peter in the late '80s), but that's pretty much the only guitar you're going to hear unless you listen really hard to that little clean "sprling!" noise way way way behind the synth bass.
The most interesting thing about the album is that there honestly ARE a couple of melancholic, frightened little piano lines strewn here and there among the smoldering ashes of burning poop that I poured all over the disc in a fit of mature rage immediately following my initial listen. "Fire On The Side" is in fact an honest-to-Heaven GOOD PIANO BALLAD that could have fit in easily on Little Earthquakes. But every other promising moment disappears within SECONDS as the Latest In High-Technology Studio Production jams more bad sounds into your poor defenseless brain. Speaking of which - see if this makes you as annoyingly self-aware as it did to me for a few minutes earlier this evening: Your true field of vision is the size of a thumbnail. Everything else around it is incomplete -- a bunch of fuzzy words, faces, etc. You can hardly make any of it out. Now do you notice? Did you ever realize that your focus is SO DAMNED SMALL????? Here's another interesting fact that'll fuck you RIGHT ON up. There are these special glasses where if you look through them, everything appears upside down. If you wear them for several hours and then take them off, your eyes will CONTINUE to see the world upside down for another hour or so. Because your brain will have trained itself to EXPECT it. I'm reading this unbelievably amazing book right now called A User's Guide to the Brain. You HAVE to buy it. I'm only 60 pages into it (out of like 400), and it's already blown my mind like a dozen times. It's all in laymen's terms so normal dumbys like me and you can understand it. It explains how everything up there works. And let me tell you - the brain is one hell of an organ! It's just like the old adage, the most important sexual organ is your mind.
Wait that's not how you spell "Hole Gouged In Corpse With Knife."
Sorry about that. I couldn't decide between that and "Wait that's not how you spell belly button." So whichever one of those you like better - THAT'S my hilarious ending.
NineFeetUnderground said:
my head isnt up my ass. you just obviously havent heard enough. seriously day youll understand.

believe me...theres not enough time in the day to listen to tori amos...those of you who think im a "gigantic jerk", just havent reached that point yet. Or i guess just have very low standards for female singer/songwriters.

Give a list of who you think the best female singer/songwriters are, I'm curious. I don't know very many so you very well could be right. Who are the influences she's a lame copy of? Kate Bush has a hideous voice, half her material is terrible 80s keyboard pop, her lyrics are annoying fantasy bullshit, and "the sensual world" is one of the most hilariously failed attempts to make an album by women about women in history. SO don't name her.
wankerness said:
Give a list of who you think the best female singer/songwriters are, I'm curious. I don't know very many so you very well could be right. Who are the influences she's a lame copy of? Kate Bush has a hideous voice, half her material is terrible 80s keyboard pop, her lyrics are annoying fantasy bullshit, and "the sensual world" is one of the most hilariously failed attempts to make an album by women about women in history. SO don't name her.

Patti Smith influenced Tori iirc
wankerness said:
Give a list of who you think the best female singer/songwriters are, I'm curious. I don't know very many so you very well could be right. Who are the influences she's a lame copy of? Kate Bush has a hideous voice, half her material is terrible 80s keyboard pop, her lyrics are annoying fantasy bullshit, and "the sensual world" is one of the most hilariously failed attempts to make an album by women about women in history. SO don't name her.

LOL. Kate Bush was a revolutionary. Theres a reason why David Gilmour practically gave EMI records an ultimatum if they didnt sign her. But shes just the tip of the iceberg. the fact that i have to name a bunch of highly influntial (and frankly, very obvious) female singer/songwriters just so you can realize that tori amos is overrated and rehashed garbage...just proves how in over your head you are with this debate. same goes for liquid diamonds and anyone else who is claiming my taste is flawed since i dont like her. shes for guys who listen to far too much metal and suddenly decide they want to listen to something feminine, but dont have the means or the know-how to find truly great female artists. shes the mcdonalds of female artists. period.