Tori Amos

Favorite Tori Amos record

  • Little Earthquakes

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Under the Pink

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Boys for Pele

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • From the Choirgirl Hotel

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • To Venus and Back

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scarlett's Walk

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Strange Little Girls

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • The Beekeeper

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
that's because they let it happen.

btw. listening to Scarlett's Walk right now... it has put me in a good mood for the day :)
NineFeetUnderground said:
shes for guys who listen to far too much metal and suddenly decide they want to listen to something feminine, but dont have the means or the know-how to find truly great female artists. shes the mcdonalds of female artists. period.

Firstly, I listened to Tori Amos a long time before I got into metal, so that argument is just wrong. I appreciate MANY female artists, such as Joni Mitchell, Patti Smith, Kate Bush, Aimee Mann, Fiona Apple, Linda Perhacs, Vashti Bunyan, Sandy Denny etc.

Now, from an entirely impartial, musically subjective perspective, the only artist I can really see (from that list anyway) that one could coherently argue is 'better' than Tori Amos is Joni Mitchell. As a musician, and pianistic composer, Tori slaughters everyone on that list. Her musical progressions and ideas are forward-thinking and abstract (see, for example, 'Icicle'). Of course, being a more accomplished musician than the others doesn't autonatically render her better, but it does put her at an advantage.

She is a very skilled arranger, and for the most part deals with interesting concepts, both musically and lyrically. She has delved into a large variety of diferent styles, displaying a sense of muical variation that most artists can't claim to have. She also has the advantage of having a kick-ass band behind her, allowing her to propel herself to a higher level.

Basically, NFU, you can call my tastes inferior all you want, because if you think it makes you sophisticated to say that there 'isn't enough time in the day to listen to Tori Amos', then it's quite simply your loss.
NineFeetUnderground said:
LOL. Kate Bush was a revolutionary. Theres a reason why David Gilmour practically gave EMI records an ultimatum if they didnt sign her. But shes just the tip of the iceberg. the fact that i have to name a bunch of highly influntial (and frankly, very obvious) female singer/songwriters just so you can realize that tori amos is overrated and rehashed garbage...just proves how in over your head you are with this debate. same goes for liquid diamonds and anyone else who is claiming my taste is flawed since i dont like her. shes for guys who listen to far too much metal and suddenly decide they want to listen to something feminine, but dont have the means or the know-how to find truly great female artists. shes the mcdonalds of female artists. period.

I am not a fan, I don't care about the historical relevance of an artist if I can't stand them (ex, the sex pistols). I never said you should like her or your taste was wrong, I asked you to NAME SOME ARTISTS, which you didn't do, so I can only assume that the only person you were going to say was Kate Bush. There's no debate from my end, just a question which you tried to turn into an argument.
i dont have enough money to buy all that music. I will do one day though, Then il have to find the time. Which why i dont get how all these people that download a billion albums can actually listen to them properly, sure give them the once over. but seeing as 12gb of music is about 7 an a half days straight of music, i just dont get how anyone could listen to it all. Its just aswell i truly absorb my albums as i really dont have money flowing in all the time to keep up with these downloaders.
NineFeetUnderground said:
do either of you ever contribute anything? you both sit on that fence and just make completely nonsensical and useless remarks. get jobs or something.

I can't even tell how much the little shit that i post here affects my life...btw, i contribute and i talk about music a lot here...and you do make a lot of sense with all your ''i'm the king kong of music and you all have shit taste'' comments...your shit stinks too...stfu.
affinityband said:
i dont have enough money to buy all that music. I will do one day though, Then il have to find the time. Which why i dont get how all these people that download a billion albums can actually listen to them properly, sure give them the once over. but seeing as 12gb of music is about 7 an a half days straight of music, i just dont get how anyone could listen to it all. Its just aswell i truly absorb my albums as i really dont have money flowing in all the time to keep up with these downloaders.
well, there is nothing that forces you to listen to albums as fast as you download them, nobody does/can... I have 25 albums I haven't listened to yet sitting in a folder, others have a lot more - but the point is it isn't really hurtin anything to let them sit there... and I mean you're listening to music, so I'm not sure why it should feel like a chore

and of course not all albums are worth being absorbed in the first place... you can tell which albums those are generally without listening to more than a couple songs... the whole ordeal isn't nearly as big you're thinking
affinityband said:
I dont download because i think its unfair. Although i have done, and i just feel bad after. Music is important to me as much as it is to the band.
well there's the real reason then

for the record anyway, there's nothing unfair about it unless you never intend on buying the album

blindly spending a real $15 on a CD by a band I'm not familiar with and potentially not liking is unfair, and said band/record label sure wouldn't be feeling bad for me in that situation, but to each his own
i dont buy cds im not sure about.But if i dont like it, i dont like it. Recommendations come from evrerywhere, for example, you get into one band, go to their site, maybe see some of their influences, then get those cds. It goes on. Plus Nfu ~*~luv u~*~
NineFeetUnderground said:
elitist? i have the most eclectic taste of anyone on this message board. period. the point is tori amos is basically just an amateurish photocopy of everyone she was influenced by. that is why she is crap.

See you say that, but none of us really know each other, so I doubt we'll ever really know, not that I'm putting myself forward or anything. Besides, face facts a "My taste's more eclectic than yours taste" contest would be a pretty pathetic ego trip, and probably not so hard to win on this board. Plus i doubt many people care.

And you have never once denied you're an elitist.
Powers said:
See you say that, but none of us really know each other, so I doubt we'll ever really know, not that I'm putting myself forward or anything. Besides, face facts a "My taste's more eclectic than yours taste" contest would be a pretty pathetic ego trip, and probably not so hard to win on this board. Plus i doubt many people care.

And you have never once denied you're an elitist.

actually ive denied it many many times. i think you underestimate how fucking noobish you are here...theres much ive said youve never viewed, and youre certainly NOT the first to ever ignorantly acuse me of being "elitist", so dont flatter yourself. What i clarify typically is that im not an elitist, but im a purist. elitists are people who think jazz is the best and only genre, or that classical is superior and the only way to listen to music, or the worst example....someone who thinks black metal is the best kind of metal and everything else sucks, etc. As you well not any of those things...but i am indeed a purist. I think every genre has its tiers, and the essentials and the rudimentary. What you people seem to lack is the ability to distinguish the two. I.E. those who say "Opeth kicks ass!" then in the next sentence say "Amon Amarth kicks ass!". If you can wrap your head around the ridiculousness and apathy towards one improving their musical journey and pallate, then you can most definitely figure out my intentions here.