Tortex picks.... fffuuuuuuu

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
I have championed the old nylon Jazz IIIs for a while now, as they have always felt very comfortable to play for me personally. But after stumbling upon an old thread here by accident I thought I'd buy a bunch of the tortex ones (I was starting to run out of picks so ordered a few different ones for comparison)

I couldn't believe the difference in attack between the tortex and the nylon. I mean it's not like it instantly transforms your tone to God-status, but there really is a noticeable difference.

So yeah, if you haven't already.... try them out. I feel like a plum for not knowing this earlier, so apologies if this has everybody face-palming. But it's bound to be useful to at least someone.
Jazz III's are comfy and sound good on unwound strings, but you do lose a huge amount of tone on wound strings.
Also they can be difficult to keep hold of when playing rhythm I find....
I did the same thing! From jazz III to dunlop tortex sharp 1.13cm! It instantly brings out the attak... The nylon ones are like you would put a pillow on your strings compared to tortex sharp! Winnnnning!
Delrin (the stuff Tortex is made out of) is an amazing plastic. It has the most amazing tonal properties. I used Tortex 1.14 (Purple) for YEARS, now I use custom Delrin picks maybe by Steve Clayton. I like them a lot more then the Dunlops they have more attack. They even have a special one called the Black Raven thats just amazing.


Yellows?!?!?! Aren't they thin as fuck?!?!

Sorry, had to. :wave:

I've been on the blues for years now. Never going back. Time to bulk order though.
they're medium ... and they let me FLY

besides .. I have a REALLY heavy right hand, its controlled but I do hammer away like the guitar owes me money so the yellow ones are a good balance to keep me from breaking ALL my strings at the same time

when you start playing like a man, you'll understand :p
Carlos .... real men use Heavy picks and dont break strings ;) String breakage has less to do with how hard you pick and more to do with shitty technique.

Be a man use a real fucking pick! Mediums and thins are for pussies!

Shit Clayton just sent some 1.56 and 1.90 to try out. They are thick as fuck but the sound amazing!

I think, despite my limited abilities, anyone would be really hard pressed to find flaw in my technique ;)

nah man, there's only so much guitars made by mere mortals can handle
Been using the 1.14mm Purple Tortex picks for a few years now. Amazing for everything
besides .. I have a REALLY heavy right hand, its controlled but I do hammer away like the guitar owes me money so the yellow ones are a good balance to keep me from breaking ALL my strings at the same time

same here, but if I use picks around .88 (I think the yellow ones are that, used to play them when I started playing guitar...*cough cough* :lol: ;) ) I don't feel like I can dig into the strings as much as I'd want...not enough resitance from the pick, if you want to say so.
I use the purple Tortex Jazz picks. I'll never use anything else! And yeah, I pick hard and don't break strings ;)
I recently bought one of several types of picks just to test the tone and playability of each and I ended up going with these motherfuckers (I play bass):

Before buying them, I was using coincidentally a pick from Messhugah´s bassist which is one of those same tortex triangles in white with the Messhugah logo and says "dick pick" and I loved it, went to try several other stuff and I prefer the tone these big ones give me by a longshot.
Purple 1.14mm Dunlop Tortex. I use the "soft triangle" shaped ones; they're nice and meaty and the most comfortable for me. I bounce between that and the blue version (1.0mm) when I feel bored; every time I switch I think "oh man this pick is better, why was I using the other one?" :p