Tortex picks.... fffuuuuuuu

If you're going to be claiming that jazz picks make you lose attack and all that, at least do a shootout and properly A/B. Probably it's different for every player but I pick hard as a mofo and those tortex Jazz IIIs dont have any less attack for me than any other picks, and I've tried everything. I think they rule and I swear by them. I like them because when I A/Bd them with the rest of the jazz picks, they didn't have that harsh clankiness that all the other ones have.

I'm pretty sure that the picks that somebody was criticizing were nylon Jazz III picks, not the Tortex jazz ones. I don't believe that the size of the pick affects tone, it mostly affects playability, while the material of the pick effects the attack/tone. I'm with you, Tortex Jazz picks for the fucking win!
hell no, Nazi picks are much more agressive! :rock:

Nazi agression up your ASS :lol:

Ich mag deine sicht der dinge nicht wirklich

Ich werde deiner Freundin am arsch grabschen und dann weglaufen :p

Ja, einmal und dann nie wieder :P
Bin ein ziemlicher schneller Sprinter ;)
Obwohl...das is 20kg her :lol:

What can I say man, it was like that...I still have 5 or 6 of them Tortex .73 lying around...lately picked one of them up, couldn't play shit lol FTW!

Once you try ultex you can't go back to standard picks, and they're very durable.
Ultex jazz iii ftmfw

Those shall be my next victims :rock:


the 1mm version... depending on what I find at the store on pick buying day...

Which is the 2nd Saturday in October if anyone is interested......

EDIT: Tried the Nylon Jazz IIIs and IIs didn't like either, may give the Ultex version of the III a try though
^ those look pretty neat too
How are those compared to the Jazz III shape?
Seems the sharp edge is a bit "bigger"

All that smoking isn't gonna help you much either ;)

Or me for that matter :/

Probably be the shortest chase in history

haha, yeah most posibly...
Quitting that shit is in the works tho...did you start again?
Jazz III's sound like dick to my ears/in my hands, Tortex is the best sounding pick for me. I still like/need the sharp tip for a lot of stuff, though, so the Tortex T3 or InTuneGP XJJ is perfect:


I messed around with the pick you gave me brah but for some reason it feels way too round, the angle to the point is not as sharp as the Jazz IIIs :( Otherwise sweet pick.
I use the yellow ones!!!!!

For like 100 fucking years now and I'll NEVER switch to anything else ... fuck you if you try to tell me about another kind of pick :p

I used to say the EXACT same thing as you. I used Yellows for the first seven years I've played, but I switched to Red Jazz IIIs (1.38mm) last month, and I definitely prefer them tone wise. They're less "squelchy," and have better attack in my opinion.
I use the purple Tortex Jazz picks. I'll never use anything else! And yeah, I pick hard and don't break strings ;)

could you guys tell me... are the tortex jazz picks sized like normal jazz III or jazz III xl ?

I wish they would be sized as the XL's becouse the normal jazz's are way to small for me
The Tortex stuff dissolves in my hands - the heavy set ones do not last more than a couple of days whilst I can be using a Jazz III for a month or so.
I've used green Tortex for so long I cannot remember not using them. Not the thickest pick in the world, but it's always just felt right for standard tuning and styles I tend to play. I've tried many picks along the way, but always end up with a green pick tucked up under my strings at the end of the day.
I used the tortex sharps for ages but swapped to Jazz IIIs because the pick attack is more subdued. I can hear a big difference, once you start to layer up a few guitar parts, the pick attach becomes really harsh with the torex. I still prefer the playability of the sharps.
Tortex Green and purple Tortex Jazz, plus the Tortex Jazz "Blackies". I've tried others, and they either chip, have too soft of an attack, or are too flexible.

Tortex Green for Thrash rhythms and acoustic stuff, either Jazz pick for prog and super accurate tech death.
.50's when taking solos, the pickier sound really brings out attack and tightens bass. Sound great on acoustics. .73's for all around rhythm, and durable for live use as they're bright and easy to find on a dark stage. The 88's are my rhythm machines.

My two bits.