spawn said:Answer? Who the fuck are you, Eddie Mcguire?
I worked at Central Station doing shift work on the platforms etc. for 6 years before I moved upstairs to the computer section.
I had to drag those Heroin addicted fucks out of the toilets, clean up their needles, their shit and urine on the floor, and empty the needles into medical waste stuff so we could dispose of them. Have you ever had to move one of them? You cannot reason with them. They arent sanitary to say the least, their needles are on the floor, their urine and shit is everywhere and how the fuck do I know if he has Hepatitis or Aids or something? Yet we still had to kick them and prod them to try and get rid of them because obviously you cant have half dead people lying in the toilets (and even in the urinal trough once, with people still going to the toilet... Thats Sydney people for you).
I know how easy it is to catch Hepatitis because they made us do a course on it before we became station assistants. Ive seen more Heroin and drug addicts in 6 years than hopefully all of you will see in your life put together. They are disgusting and really dangerous, despite being out of it on the Heroin.
We always had to watch the bins we were emptying (this was before they got rid of bins because of the terrorist thing) all the time because we didnt want to get pricked by needles, we had one guy die on the concourse due to a drug overdose, even though the Station Master tried to save his life with resucitation. Ive lost count of the number of times the ambulance was called because someone had oded on a train or on a platform. Or that we were called to go remove needles from the trains.
I hope someone close to you gets addicted to herion, maybe then you can see it from my point of view. They are still people, they still have people who care about them and want them off it. It's a fucking chemical addiction, I can guarentee you they regret taking the first time. You seriously know shit about these people, you had clean up after them. Good fucking work, I'm glad you've had to do something you didn't want to do. It would have been good for you.
You think trent trivialising their problems, you are the one who is the trivial fuckwit about it. You think they choose to have the next hit, you are so fucking naive. You have no life experiance whatsoever. You a predjidiced,naive,narrow minded peice of shit. I want something bad to happen to you personally, so you can fucking understand what it's like. If you actually had any friends in real life you could understand what it's like to lose one to an addiction, to see how they spiral down, but theres always that brief period where they are still there old selves.
You need to fucking wake up to yourself before you are a lonley old man with alot of cd's.