Track to mix with a twist (5150iii 50w content)


Aug 28, 2006
The twist is in the guitar tracks, the only supplied tracks are straight from the EVH5150 iii ''50'' preamp out.

Guitars are not my usual quads, double tracked only and no ts-9 boost.

Best way to use the files would be straight into a poweramp/mic'd cab or with your fav impulse.

This may also appeal to those who only have access to amps sims and want to try a mix from a proper preamp section.

files; 1.rar 2.rar 3.rar

This is more of an experiment than anything, curious as to what results can be achieved.

If you guys are getting some decent mixes together ill update the guitars to quads and ill take a bit more time with the tracking, i can also tweak the eq on the head.

The guitar is a Gibson flying v fitted with the SD Invader, all settings on the EVH are half way including the gain.

Cool. Having lots of fun mixing your stuff!

I don't know if it was included, but what was the tempo?

EDIT: Not sure if this mix is my best one yet or super super awful. Been working on this all day:

can't listen right now but how long did that mix take you including setting up the session?
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Sounds nice and clean, what did you do to the guitars? Mastering chain?
My mix took about 4-5 hours, too. Sadly I fucked up the mastering.

thanks man. it's nice to have well recorded tracks to mix as we all know:)
for the guitars I just used s-preshigh with lecab2 and applied the following eq settings:

- hpf @80hz, lpf @14000
- very narrow cuts: -3db @2200hz,-3db @2620hz, -2 db @3260hz
- high-shelf +2db @4000hz

I also used C4 (not the explosive haha) to compress 3db at maximum in a band ranging from 250hz-800hz

in the mastering I didn't do much except slap on Pro-L and not push it hard.
the track is not very loud but it doesn't get limited more than 5db either I think.

what did you use for mastering?
Mastering chain was:
Gclip for the transients
Linear Phase EQ cutting some 1.5k
Bootsy's FerricTDS (halfway up)
ThrillseekerLA (4db GR, slow attack, medium release).
Then I used good ol' Slate FGX with only the limiter engaged.

I think the problem is in the mix though.
Put too much distortion on the guitars in order to make them sit nicely.
An additional pair of guitars could really help making it glue properly without going to these lenghts. Maybe a simple lowpass on the guits at 4-5k would suffice? Maybe I'll try it later.

so did you additionally saturate the guitars with something like decapitator?
how much reverb do you have on the rhythm guitars if any (not quite shure)? I experimented with this as well and found it made the guitar sound too harsh. maybe that's the problem.

I like your kick drum sound, punches well but might be a tad loud for my taste.
Finaly got time and used it all for this mix. Around 4 hours but counting in "mastering" which is bit ruined because of ear fatigue n stuff. Tried to use everything original, and tried to get not clicky kick. Because of ear fatigue today and non-sleep night before probably something wrong with compresion, so tomorrow I'll sit to fix it.
My atempt