Tracking drums with a click

Since the subject of headphones came up.......has anyone here used/heard those Bose headphones that cost like 500 bucks?

One thing I did when a drummer couldn't hear a click track was instead of sending it up the middle I sent it panned all the way to one side and he heard it a lot better....he still wasn't on it though :)
James Murphy said:
that's why you can't tell the difference. ;)

you do get about 4 more db of isolation with the DS's, and you can tell. i can anyway, and i should hope most all of you here, drummers excepted, could as well.
yea, im sure you are right. but i like the vic firths better, they fit me better for some reason. and like i said, you cant beat the price. but the vic firths actually give me plenty of isolation, being deaf and all:lol: . i will have to try them again though, definetly value your opinion james.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Are those easy to wash ? Maybe the ear parts can be taken off ? Because recording drummers have this weird tendency to sweat, go figure why... ;)
yeah, they are easy to remove and clean and also replacement ones can be bought from DS very cheaply.
my drummer has to have the click ungodly loud in his head phones as well, and i just don't get it

i can sit behind his kit, and play the few (relatively simple) drum beats i know along with a click at half the volume he uses with no issues...he's cranking our headphone amp near distortion levels, and still complains about not being able to hear it