Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Night Castle

PREFACE: I am a HUGE Savatage, I have every album, sometimes 3 or more times, as japs and re-releases, etc. I have posters, memorabilia, etc. As my wife says, it looks like my room threw up Savatage.

And now on to my review.

I agree with the previous post in that this Album sounds re-hashed and bland in places. I mean when the first album came out and 1996, it was fresh and something new. But over the years it’s just the same old thing. But the one thing that has me in an up roar, is that they keep re-using Savatage stuff. I mean its one thing to so redo a song that’s a hundred or so years old and spice it up a but…..Savatage…..COME ON do something original….
I could handle it, actually I was exited about it when they took Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 and turned it into a TSO song, I got kinda ticked when they did “Back to a Reason” but now they touched the Holy of all Holy Savatage songs. “Believe” WTF!!!!!!!!!! Again…I say HEY PAUL. “DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL:”

The album is not half bad, re-hashed as it is. The Mountain song, a re-hash of Prelude to the Madness is cool especially with the ripping solo by Pitrelli at the end, Another way to Die, sounds like a leftover form Poets and Madmen, but is cool. I also like rocked out version of Toccata and Carmina Burana.

Another Cool note is Jeff Scott Soto is on the album.:headbang:

But over all I am hugely disappointed and wish TSO would go away, I miss Savatage…..:cry::cry:

PREFACE: I am a HUGE Savatage, I have every album, sometimes 3 or more times, as japs and re-releases, etc. I have posters, memorabilia, etc. As my wife says, it looks like my room threw up Savatage.

Just as a note, most TSO listeners probably never heard of Savatage, so I think rehashing some Savatage material where appropriate is a good thing for TSO. It is frustrating for us who have heard it before, but we are the minority.

I've only gotten through the first disc so far. As others have said, if you've heard a TSO album before, this is more of the same. Nothing particularly wrong with that. Many groups have made a career out of doing the same thing over and over again. It certainly hasn't hurt attendance figures at TSO shows over the years.
I am currently listening to this (the cheap Amazon download version, although I did try to find a copy at Best Buy, but did not see it at the one here in Fredericksburg. According to their website, there it should be available at the one in Stafford near where I work - so may try to pop-in during lunch and see if they have it.

Anyway, my take? I was not to terribly blown away when I heard the samples that 'Diamond45' obtained and listened to on the way to the airport to go to ProgPower. Now, having listened to most of the album, I'll admit that I do like the album over all. There are some really solid tracks on here. The production quality of this is also quite good. Even the Amazon MP3 download version sounds really good on my setup here at the house. However, as others have already pointed out - seems to be pretty much more of the same TSO. After 5 years of waiting, I guess I was expected to be truly blown-away by this but yet I really wasn't. Still, it is nice to see them finally produce another non-Christmas album, though. Hell, for $4, I am not complaining. It was certainly well worth the money I spent - even if also getting the CD for the additional $8. Would I pay $20 for this? Probably not. The only real reason I want to get the CD anyway is so I have a copy to take to Richmond this next Thursday when I go to actually seem them, to get them to sign it (assuming they still do the meet-n-greet after the shows like they've done in the past).
I am currently listening to this (the cheap Amazon download version, although I did try to find a copy at Best Buy, but did not see it at the one here in Fredericksburg. According to their website, there it should be available at the one in Stafford near where I work - so may try to pop-in during lunch and see if they have it.

Anyway, my take? I was not to terribly blown away when I heard the samples that 'Diamond45' obtained and listened to on the way to the airport to go to ProgPower. Now, having listened to most of the album, I'll admit that I do like the album over all. There are some really solid tracks on here. The production quality of this is also quite good. Even the Amazon MP3 download version sounds really good on my setup here at the house. However, as others have already pointed out - seems to be pretty much more of the same TSO. After 5 years of waiting, I guess I was expected to be truly blown-away by this but yet I really wasn't. Still, it is nice to see them finally produce another non-Christmas album, though. Hell, for $4, I am not complaining. It was certainly well worth the money I spent - even if also getting the CD for the additional $8. Would I pay $20 for this? Probably not. The only real reason I want to get the CD anyway is so I have a copy to take to Richmond this next Thursday when I go to actually seem them, to get them to sign it (assuming they still do the meet-n-greet after the shows like they've done in the past).

Just as a note, the booklet is really nice and as usual has the story that they are telling. Again, I haven't read the whole thing and I'm not sure if it is a great story, but that stuff is in there.
Basically, I'm gathering from those of you that are disappointed, the reason being the wait time between releases. If it had been released after two years of The Lost Christmas Eve, like it should've been, most people probably wouldn't be so let down. Also, it didn't help matters that both Chris and Al would say Nightcastle will be released this year for the last 5 tours. Anyway, hopefully O'Neill will quit being so greedy, give TSO a much needed break and give us an overdue Savatage tour. That's hopeful thinking! :)

Brian, I am complaining for not only the lengthy wait, but that TSO was supposed to be a creative outlet for this over the top rock/broadwayish Christmas style music, not to bastardize Savatage songs.

And i agree with the rest of the board, for the wait that was put behind this album and the Studio time that I have read went behind it, that I was expecting more. For me, it was originality, but what I got was poorly redone Savatage songs or concepts (Prelude to the MAdness/MOzart/Believe), instrumentals, and the same old touchy feely inner child lyrics.

While there are some very cool parts to this CD, I still feel somewhat let down and cheated.

The apparent dual philospohies of a lot of folks in this group never ceases to amaze!! I have heard for years on this board "this band or that is changing from what attracted me to them in the first place and I don't like the new direction" (e.g., Metallica). Now, here comes TSO NOT changing and that seems to be the gripe of most of the detractors here. Ironic!!

And for anyone that seriously BELIEVES TSO will take a break to get Sava back together - AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!! The almighty $$$$ rules. That said, I can't understand how the label let Paul get away with delaying this CD for 5-6 years. This CD is petty much guaranteed multi-platinum. It will be interesting to see the changes in the live show this year.

Chris :headbang:
The apparent dual philospohies of a lot of folks in this group never ceases to amaze!! I have heard for years on this board "this band or that is changing from what attracted me to them in the first place and I don't like the new direction" (e.g., Metallica). Now, here comes TSO NOT changing and that seems to be the gripe of most of the detractors here. Ironic!!

I think that has happened on every prog-related board I have ever read, regarding all the major bands..... 'Ryche, DT, FW, Metallica..... You name it, any big time group that makes an evolution in their sound will split the opinions 50/50.....

Personally, my only complaint with the CD so far is the amount of "borrowed" melodies I am hearing from recent 'Tage material (DWD through Poets). I'm not talking about the songs they have re-recorded. I'm talking about the "new" material that bears a striking resemblance to some of the old material. I'd expect a little more "unique" material after this long a layover.
I understand the laments of the Savatage fans. Yet, understand TSO is a different organ, and appeals to a mass audience. I mean, geez, my parents in their 60's and my daughters 10-13 yrs old love the Christmas music they have put out. Its not supposed to be Savatage. Its not supposed to be "metal". Its meant to please a large fan-base. If you think of the typical human, they want "samey" stuff. They really do. It sells, and thank God capitalism still exists on some levels regardless of current government. I just really hope they still play the first set as they always have. Its a tradition, and I would love my girls to see it perfromed as it always has been...2nd set, would love to see the new stuff!
Went to two BBs tonight, it was sold out at the first but in stock at the second. It's definitely a two disc set, in a special case, containing 70-page liner notes -- pretty remarkable for $7.99. The first BB had it on an end cap with $7.99 signage, the second had it in the normal Rock "T" section and it was tagged $9.99 (but it rang up as $7.99 at checkout).

Btw, I thought the album cover looked a lot better in person (still not great, but not the embarassment I originally saw looking at the pictures online).
I pre-paid for the digital download of Night Castle. Been fighting their website since I got an E-mail to download the album. They finally realized their website was broken, sent an E-mail with a special link to download the album. Problem solved. Glad that someone finally realized the site was DOA and to do something about it. Will be listening to the entire CD for the next couple of days. Or maybe I'll wait for my upcoming business trip. Dunno.... :)
Went to two BBs tonight, it was sold out at the first but in stock at the second. It's definitely a two disc set, in a special case, containing 70-page liner notes -- pretty remarkable for $7.99. The first BB had it on an end cap with $7.99 signage, the second had it in the normal Rock "T" section and it was tagged $9.99 (but it rang up as $7.99 at checkout).

Btw, I thought the album cover looked a lot better in person (still not great, but not the embarassment I originally saw looking at the pictures online).

Yup, I did finally score a copy at a local Best Buy. I've managed to snag the very last copy that particular store had in stock. It is indeed a 2-disc set, with the nice liner notes and all. I think it was well worth the $8, especially for all you are getting. Not only that, the album really is actually quite good. Maybe not the "WOW" I was hoping for, but still well worth it, especially for TSO fans.
I went to one of three local Best Buys yesterday, did not find it or any indications of it. Will check the others as soon as I can, which probably won't be until Sunday. Hopefully this sale goes on at least 1 week.
I agree about Believe. I do much prefer Jon Oliva's original recording of that tune. But it's nice to re-introduce it to a legion of fans who will likely not buy a copy of Streets. Diddo for some of the other 'Tage material. I don't have a problem with it. A little softer in places than the originals, but they are not selling it to the Legions of Savatage fans (they don't have to - we already proved we love it). They are introducing it to TSO fans.

As has been stated, I think it's awesome that TSO Fans are listending to metal and don't even realize it. In cases, they may actually be being spoiled - not all metal is of the quality of the best Savatage material. Some past and current metal can't touch Savatage on their worst day...

If you are a genuine TSO/Savatage Fan, and have seen the past works of TSO and Savatage as a whole body of work, I think you will enjoy this album very much.

Don't forget, that just as with the 'Tage albums and other TSO albums, this is a story being told. And this album has one of the more extensive stories from TSO or Savatage. More in line with Wake of Magellan than anything, IMHO. The album has to be weighed with it's complementary impact on the story. I think it does this very well. This is not an album, it is an experience.

Love, Tragedy, and Redemption - that's classic literature right there! All I ask of you, is believe...

If you are a genuine TSO/Savatage Fan, and have seen the past works of TSO and Savatage as a whole body of work, I think you will enjoy this album very much.

Believe me, I am a die hard 'Tage and TSO fan, and WANT to enjoy this album very much. However, all the best moments on this album have a "been there, done that" feel to them. The best songs all are EXTREMELY similar to previous TSO songs (the last track on disc one, for example, is EXACTLY the same melody and vocal pattern as one of the tracks off the last X-mas CD). "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" (which weirdly is NOT related to the JOP tune) is one of the most mind-numbingly repetitious songs I have heard in a long time. I think they could have done a lot more with the female vocals as well.

This could have been a full single CD (plus a CD for the few "bonus" tracks), and I wouldn't feel like I am losing anything. For someone who has not heard a lot of TSO, this album may really stand out. For those extensively familiar with the catalogue, there is a whole lot of "Haven't I heard this before?" to be had.....

NP - Control Denied "Fragile Art of Existence"
Believe me, I am a die hard 'Tage and TSO fan, and WANT to enjoy this album very much. However, all the best moments on this album have a "been there, done that" feel to them. The best songs all are EXTREMELY similar to previous TSO songs (the last track on disc one, for example, is EXACTLY the same melody and vocal pattern as one of the tracks off the last X-mas CD). "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" (which weirdly is NOT related to the JOP tune) is one of the most mind-numbingly repetitious songs I have heard in a long time. I think they could have done a lot more with the female vocals as well.

This could have been a full single CD (plus a CD for the few "bonus" tracks), and I wouldn't feel like I am losing anything. For someone who has not heard a lot of TSO, this album may really stand out. For those extensively familiar with the catalogue, there is a whole lot of "Haven't I heard this before?" to be had.....
If I had paid 15.95 for this album I would have been pissed. I am sure TSO fans (moms and pops who only hear this stuff once a year at the local auditorium) will be quite happy with it. Even if a lot of it is repetitive junk.
I went to one of three local Best Buys yesterday, did not find it or any indications of it. Will check the others as soon as I can, which probably won't be until Sunday. Hopefully this sale goes on at least 1 week.

You could order it online from the Best Buy website. It currently is on sale ($7.99) & has free shipping. I think the sale ends Saturday night when the weekly sales/specials change over. I could be wrong and it goes until Monday evening.
Listening to the first disc, I couldn't help but feeling that I'd heard pretty much all of it before. Listening to the second disc, I couldn't help but feeling that I'd heard all of it before, on disc 1...and I'm not even talking about the refrainS(!). I don't think I've ever heard an album with so little quality material, spread so thinly, over such an egregiously long running time. As a huge, long time TSO fan, and with no hint of hyperbole, I'm going to go ahead and call this one of the biggest disappointments of all time for me.

I'm inclined to agree. None of the singing tracks impressed me at all. They were overlong and boring.

And the instrumental ones were damn near all stolen from Savatage tracks. Yeah I know most haven't heard of Savatage but I find it lame to use their previous songs when they managed to create new stuff with the previous albums.