Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Night Castle

It sells, and thank God capitalism still exists on some levels regardless of current government.

True, those socialist countries in Europe have no metal market. The governments dictate the musical style and stifle new band development.

Funny how those countries have ten times the metal market we have in the USA.
True, those socialist countries in Europe have no metal market. The governments dictate the musical style and stifle new band development.

Funny how those countries have ten times the metal market we have in the USA.

Some suggest that it excels because of it. Which makes perfect sense. The more controlled and group oriented atmosphere, the more certain people will look to rebel and look for individuality. Metal fits in that nicely.
Basically, I'm gathering from those of you that are disappointed, the reason being the wait time between releases. If it had been released after two years of The Lost Christmas Eve, like it should've been, most people probably wouldn't be so let down. Also, it didn't help matters that both Chris and Al would say Nightcastle will be released this year for the last 5 tours. Anyway, hopefully O'Neill will quit being so greedy, give TSO a much needed break and give us an overdue Savatage tour. That's hopeful thinking! :)


They will be hearing this request 3 times in the next two days (1 show in Denver, 2 in Colorado Springs). Every year it's the same from me, give Al shit about being a Jets fan, tell them to get Savatage together for Atlanta if nothing else. One year I got the comment (man, that is a lot of getting together of people and rehearsing for one show" - to which I responded "hell, I am sure Glenn would let you guys play all 3 or 4 nights :) No weaseling out of it Johnny Lee - of course now he has moved over tot he East tour - so maybe he thinks he is safe :)

On to the album - agree with most of what I have seen here - yeah - it's more of the same (ala AC/DC) and yeah, we in the metal community have heard it all before in Savatage, but as many have pointed out - the majority of the people in the audience don't know a thing about Savatage (although a few sitting around me get educated every year). Listening to this cd kind of makes me feel like when Dead Winter Dead came out - and that ain't a bad thing, one of my favorite albums.

That said - after this tour - time for a hiatus, take a little bit of the money being earned and at least give the Legion a Savatage weekend - if they won't come to us, we can go to them. Put on a series of shows over a weekend in either New York or FL, different songs every night. Record it, film it, let us buy it - THEN maybe we will get off your backs for a few years :)

Just about as likely as them telling us Nightcastle will be out soon!

oh wait.....

It IS out!!! :erk:

Yes, I'd just about guarantee it......

awesomeness... played that in high school band, it was my favorite song we ever played :D just sucks that it's more expensive than metal shows. ah well, I'll try to pull it off
They've played "Carmina Burana" during almost every TSO tour in the last 4? 5? years, at least when I've seen 'em, so yeah, its inclusion in the setlist is just about guaranteed. :)
Yup, they do play Carmina Burana. I'll admit that the first time I've heard it, I was blown away. It was pretty damn awesome, to be honost. Will be seeing TSO tomorrow evening in Richmond, VA - On the floor - fifth row seats.
I finally got a chance to listen to this. Talk about a yawn-fest. I really thought that with that much time, they could have come up with something that had the least bit of originality to it. It sounded like it was all borrowed from different places, and hashed together in a studio in a week. I don't care if they sound the same as old TSO. BLN was brilliant. If this was half as good I'd be ok with it. FAIL.

Obviously just my opinion.....
I finally got a chance to listen to this. Talk about a yawn-fest. I really thought that with that much time, they could have come up with something that had the least bit of originality to it. It sounded like it was all borrowed from different places, and hashed together in a studio in a week. I don't care if they sound the same as old TSO. BLN was brilliant. If this was half as good I'd be ok with it. FAIL.

Obviously just my opinion.....

Sadly, I share most of what you said. Not an epic fail, but still not what I'd consider to be top notch considering they had 5+ years to record it.

Rehashed Savatage stuff.. not to say it's bad, but you'd think they'd be more original stuff on there.
The album is growing on me, but I think it's a major disappointment in terms of the potential, the time it took to record, the vocal performances, etc.

What I can't understand is all of the sound-alikes on this album. I understand the use of the Savatage tunes...but using the end melody of When the Crowds Are Gone, BG from Wake of Magellan, etc etc. Then the entire parts of songs that sound EXACTLY like songs from the Christmas albums (especially bad when the voices are the same)...

I mean on one part I just flat out expected to hear "On Christmas Eve!!!" - the syllables are the exact same

It just makes me scratch my head whether they're intentional, or no one happen to realize it

Still, for such a long wait I expected a little more originality. Why this album took so long to make - I have no idea.
Have listened once and change.....musically speaking only a handful of songs merit being on anyone's album let alone this one. Plodding, overlong, and mind numbingly repetitive. This is a hard, TWO, three,, TWO, three,, TWO, three, FOUR....etc etc etc.

Hard to say too much about the over usage of Sava snippets as most of the TSO listeners would never have heard them so it has little effect on the finished product for them, though it does add to the difficulty in the listen for myself...and too....right with ya on the "on Christmas eve" issues......lolol. Mind you, I was not expecting anything ground breaking, confirmed once I heard Nutrocker, though given the time it took, I did anticipate that TSO would expand on it's sound and at least diversify while staying within the musical structure that is TSO.

I have just started reading the story line. I am really enjoying the read....and it is a read....a short story that could hold it's own without the music (and in all likelihood would be better off doing so). Have much more to go, but so far lyrically, it is not all that bad based on the written story. They do excel in this area.

Overall though....boy, really missed the boat on this one.
This one will have a short shelf life.
A shame they did not properly finish off BLN and decided to make this one musically longer than it needed to be.

With that all said. I thought Believe (as I had not heard it till this purchase) far exceeded any expectations. I really htink they did an outstanding job with this. Which confirms my thoughts that yes, TSO would do a very good job of bringing Streets to the common folk. Hell, they are borrowing riffs and songs from Savatage, why not just go the next step. Re-work it to fit TSO musically (as they did with believe), include the missing tracks, write story line. They have all the music and the story line.....if they started now, we could see it in....(counting on fingers).....4-5 fingers from now.
I’ve given Nightcastle a couple of listens now. I have to say that I enjoyed it more after reading the story in the booklet. It brings some of the more “mediocre” sounding tracks to life.

Agree with those who said that all the repetitive material is disappointing after such a long wait. But this isn’t really new to TSO…there are several prior TSO tracks where certain lyrics or melodies were “borrowed”.

All in all, there is some good stuff on this CD, but IMO it doesn’t hold a candle to BLN.

Oh well – still looking forward to seeing shows in Seattle and Las Vegas this year! :headbang:
I understand how they can use Savatage riff's and melodies because most TSO fans havent' heard those songs. But why they make songs that sound the exact same as a TSO song from a prior album - :ill:
Oh well – still looking forward to seeing shows in Seattle and Las Vegas this year! :headbang:

I was wondering where the biggest TSO fan has been! :lol:

Saw them in Richmond, VA last night. Very good show. Several Night Castle songs (mostly the uptempo ones) in the second half. Tim sung "Believe" (a la Savatage) and did a pretty good job of it.

Both Steve and I got our CD cases signed by the band. Overall a good time was had by all. :headbang::kickass:
Tried listening again. Okay, you know what I think of when I hear it now? Have any of you seen "Forgetting Sarah Marshal?" If so, then you know exactly what I'm talking about....
I was wondering where the biggest TSO fan has been! :lol:

Ha! The biggest TSO fan on this board, maybe, but certainly not the greatest of all-time. I've seen 12 of their shows so far, but I have friends who will do that in one year. :lol:

As to where I've been...4 final hellacious weeks on the job...trip to ramping up the job search AND trying to lose the lbs I packed on while stress eating throught my last month at the bank. I'm hoping to fit back into my clothes before I get an actual interview! :lol: Ironically, my head is in a much better place now that I've left the building...although the no paycheck and expensive health insurance part sucks!

Glad y'all enjoyed the VA show!

Have a good time at the Seattle show. I'll miss it as I land in Italy the day they play :(

Hmmm...seems that you and I follow each other around the globe, but we never manage to be in the same place at the same time. Weren't you in Italy this summer the week before (or week after) I was there? :lol:
I was wondering where the biggest TSO fan has been! :lol:

Saw them in Richmond, VA last night. Very good show. Several Night Castle songs (mostly the uptempo ones) in the second half. Tim sung "Believe" (a la Savatage) and did a pretty good job of it.

Both Steve and I got our CD cases signed by the band. Overall a good time was had by all. :headbang::kickass:

Yeah, we saw the show last night in Richmond. It was really an awesome show. There is just something so cool seeing these songs being played live with the totally kick-ass light/pyro show they also got. What is the likely hood we'll see anything like THAT at ProgPowerUSA? :lol:

Anyway, about the album - I still need to sit down and read the story that comes with the Night Castle CD. Just looking at the thickness of the booklet, and all that tiny print, that definitely looks like quite the read there.

And yes, we did go through the "meet-n-greet" at the end. Really cool guys, plus it was pretty cool that some of them remembered me from previous shows.