
Yeah. Personally I don't have any problem discussing homosexuality, even with my friends, which is odd, because we engage in all the typical teenage male machismo chest-thumping and male chauvinism. But I can see how it would be hard for some to talk about this sort of thing. I live in Brookline (home of the homos) and have a gay friend who likes to greet with an embrace (he's a little awkward), so it takes a lot to make me feel insecure.
yes this has greatly unveiled posters.

I;m more concerned about their perpetual dancing than anything. Why is it that gays must always dance and prance? And why do transgenders always use excessive makeup? Really, important questions.

yes in some cases there is some interesting behavior. I covered this in many of my posts. AND of course different people have different reactions to interesting or unusual behavior. Which is their natural born right

which brings us back to what I have been talking about in regards to matters of the topic. ;) but it appears to be over the head of some
Yeah. Personally I don't have any problem discussing homosexuality, even with my friends, which is odd, because we engage in all the typical teenage male machismo chest-thumping and male chauvinism. But I can see how it would be hard for some to talk about this sort of thing. I live in Brookline (home of the homos) and have a gay friend who likes to greet with an embrace (he's a little awkward), so it takes a lot to make me feel insecure.

there is nothing odd here and you will discover that more and more as you gain experience in the real world
God damn, what the hell has happened to this thread? People are gay, and no one cares; people are transgender and no one cares. People have always been both--who cares? Leave em alone and waste your time on doing something more fruitful like discussing something of some importance. The horse is nothing more than a rotten carcass here.

I;m more concerned about their perpetual dancing than anything. Why is it that gays must always dance and prance? And why do transgenders always use excessive makeup? Really, important questions.

Well not all homosexuals 'dance and prance.' It's a stereotype like any other, and there's obviously some truth to this, but of course it doesn't apply to all like every stereotype. Consider the 'metalhead' stereotype, jocks, goths, 'wiggers' etc. People are always going to be partial to their influences.
yes in some cases there is some interesting behavior. I covered this in many of my posts. AND of course different people have different reactions to interesting or unusual behavior. Which is their natural born right

which brings us back to what I have been talking about in regards to matters of the topic. ;) but it appears to be over the head of some
No. You've been talking pretty much the whole time about whether this should be allowed in school and how being disgusted by lgbt people is natural and right.
Also, I think speed was joking.
there is nothing odd here and you will discover that more and more as you gain experience in the real world
Well not all homosexuals 'dance and prance.' It's a stereotype like any other, and there's obviously some truth to this, but of course it doesn't apply to all like every stereotype. Consider the 'metalhead' stereotype, jocks, goths, 'wiggers' etc. People are always going to be partial to their influences.
The dancing and prancing stereotype of flaming gays comes because those are the most visibly gay people. A lot of gay people, you don't even realize they're gay, but the flamers are clearly gay, so that's what you associate with homosexuality.
No. You've been talking pretty much the whole time about whether this should be allowed in school and how being disgusted by lgbt people is natural and right.

I could see this as an interpretation from the shallow

Thats just what I was talking about

I dont think its fair that I can't make the kind of money made by singing Dianna Ross tunes in Vegas.... I might have the legs for it though, hmm... maybe I'll shave them

there is nothing odd here and you will discover that more and more as you gain experience in the real world

Don't forget that another good way to discover and learn things is through an education!

I could see this as an interpretation from the shallow

Thats just what I was talking about

I dont think its fair that I can't make the kind of money made by singing Dianna Ross tunes in Vegas.... I might have the legs for it though, hmm... maybe I'll shave them


At this point, I don't even think you can interpret your own words.

And yeah, shaving your legs is completely different from shaving your beard right?
Don't forget that another good way to discover and learn things is through an education!
You're full of shit.
In some instances this is true

Absolutely not. I expect the women who I date to shave both, thank you very much.

I avoid those that have to shave their face when searching for lovers, so like... ah.... yeah.... I think somehow there is a difference between those that shave their legs and those that shave their face........ :u-huh: ......... :lol:

Observe the photo I posted and take notes..... gotta love the look on that little boys face... he's about ready to dive right in there.... no ? .......... :lol: {at those that dont get it}
You're full of shit.

Actually, I learned in school when I was younger that with regular bowel movements you certainly won't be full of anything like that. :)

Absolutely not. I expect the women who I date to shave both, thank you very much.

Well if they're shaving facial hair...are you sure they are women? Well, ok, in some instances...

Razoredge, going back to your earlier posts you are obviously of the types who don't agree with men shaving their legs. You pointed that out with your "Johnny" posts. Some of society considers this to be a feminine/homosexual thing to do if you're a man. Keep in mind though a lot of body builders and athletes do this - most of them aren't exactly feminine. I don't see why it matters if a guy wants to shave his legs - this is typically one of those "it's wrong because society says so" matters.
Razoredge, going back to your earlier posts you are obviously of the types who don't agree with men shaving their legs. You pointed that out with your "Johnny" posts. Some of society considers this to be a feminine/homosexual thing to do if you're a man. Keep in mind though a lot of body builders and athletes do this - most of them aren't exactly feminine. I don't see why it matters if a guy wants to shave his legs - this is typically one of those "it's wrong because society says so" matters.

Damn ! are you pathetic for focusing on tiny little phrases for a face value and final conclusion. If I'm not mistaken we were talking about cross dressing in school, not body builders or atheletes. I simply said no, they dont belong in school disrupting things and that they have the rest of their lives for that stuff. I said that it was their personal problem that they and their family needs to deal with, not everyone else in the community. All of which is true. Why are you being such a wanker about it ? Did I wank out on yours or others feelings on some of the matters which are more confining than mine? What is this, everyone agrees with me or I have a hissy fit and focus on them not the topic ? Grow up already, everyone is not a liberal ball ass, thank goodness, we are not prepared for the next great flood yet.
I dont think its fair that I can't make the kind of money made by singing Dianna Ross tunes in Vegas.... I might have the legs for it though, hmm... maybe I'll shave them
Go ahead.
Absolutely not. I expect the women who I date to shave both, thank you very much.
A girl with facial hair is seriously off-putting.
Damn ! are you pathetic for focusing on tiny little phrases for a face value and final conclusion. If I'm not mistaken we were talking about cross dressing in school, not body builders or atheletes. I simply said no, they dont belong in school disrupting things and that they have the rest of their lives for that stuff. I said that it was their personal problem that they and their family needs to deal with, not everyone else in the community. All of which is true. Why are you being such a wanker about it ? Did I wank out on yours or others feelings on some of the matters which are more confining than mine? What is this, everyone agrees with me or I have a hissy fit and focus on them not the topic ? Grow up already, everyone is not a liberal ball ass, thank goodness, we are not prepared for the next great flood yet.
The thing is, we disagree with your point. They want to wear women's clothing. This doesn't harm anyone. Therefore, why should they not be allowed to?
Its not true that it doesnt harm anyone. But no, not in school. Its not too much to ask, there are alot of things not allowed in school.
A girl with facial hair is seriously off-putting.

But why would you laugh at her ? Isnt that treating her unfairly ? Its not like its something she can help, its not like she went to the hair club for men and had hair implanted in her face. However, boys are not born with girls cloths and lipstick on... this is a put off they want to put infront of people and force them to deal with it. Yeah... fine... out in the big world... you go little Sally Bob... in school around our children?... I think not
Its not true that it doesnt harm anyone.
I'm gonna call bullshit on this one. Show me how it causes direct physical harm to anyone.

But why would you laugh at her ? Isnt that treating her unfairly ? Its not like its something she can help, its not like she went to the hair club for men and had hair implanted in her face. However, boys are not born with girls cloths and lipstick on... this is a put off they want to put infront of people and force them to deal with it. Yeah... fine... out in the big world... you go little Sally Bob... in school around our children?... I think not
I wouldn't laugh at her. I just wouldn't fuck her.
But why would you laugh at her ? Isnt that treating her unfairly ? Its not like its something she can help, its not like she went to the hair club for men and had hair implanted in her face. However, boys are not born with girls cloths and lipstick on... this is a put off they want to put infront of people and force them to deal with it. Yeah... fine... out in the big world... you go little Sally Bob... in school around our children?... I think not

Girls aren't born with lipstick and girls clothes on either. Lipstick on a woman is no more natural than it is on a man. I think you pay way too much attention towards society's perception of how things should be. Crossdressers aren't forcing other people to 'deal with it'. Those people staring are making themselves deal with it because they make a huge deal out of what they are seeing. Sally Bob friends with Johnny?
Girls aren't born with lipstick and girls clothes on either. Lipstick on a woman is no more natural than it is on a man. I think you pay way too much attention towards society's perception of how things should be. Crossdressers aren't forcing other people to 'deal with it'. Those people staring are making themselves deal with it because they make a huge deal out of what they are seeing. Sally Bob friends with Johnny?

Totally wrong, vanity in a woman is a natural process and how they attract a mate. Same as masculinity is in men. I know you spend way to much time swallowing the half a story you are recieving from the liberal cry baby section that likes to leave out the facts.

A crossdresser in school is forcing everyone to deal with their problem. You have to be in the hall with them, you have to be in class with them, you have to ride the bus with them.... speaking of the bus.... you are now exposing young impressionable children to them. Useing "staring at them" is a typical narrow minded liberal waaa responce used as a distraction from the matters at hand. Im sure you would find most have a hard time looking at them or bearing the sight of them.

So as neither one of you have answered, how is it you know so much about this, are you exposed to cross dressers everyday and know them personally ? Have you had a crossdresser killed in your school ? Then you could always explain the throwing of ones voice and straping of genitals between ones legs...... natural or a psychological ? :lol:

Sally Bob IS Johnny after he's decided to be a she ... :zombie:
Show me how it causes direct physical harm to anyone.

Physical harm ? physical harm is a joke, the body heals, its the psychological damage that is the problem.... prime example... rape... there are many others. You yourself indicated somewhere here that these problems could be caused by occurances in post birth development, tramatic or dramatic occurences in life. Now are you going to imply that exposing young children to this doesnt open them up to developement issues ? Are you going to tell me children are not impressionable ? Teenagers are not impressionable ? I suppose you could then explain why children of parents that are big drinkers have children that develope drinking problems, or any other moral issues, such as crude behavior, lack of respect and many more. Then when you get done explaining how Im full of shit again and how it doesnt matter, explain how we come by drug problems. Is it not through exposure, everyone knows its wrong and a dead end street, yet it happens. Who's most prone to it happening too ? People with stability problems ? Drug addicts dont hurt anyone but themselves ? Not even the person they convince its no big deal?

Its going to be a joke to watch you immaturely tear this post down into tiny sentences and give simple yes/no answers followed by smart ass remarks about how such and such a sentence has no bearing and that Im fucked up in the head. But know that is because you are shallow and cant see that everything in that paragraph is interrelated to exactly what we are talking about.... INFLUENCE and influences are harmful to a certain percentage of individuals. But then you cant deny that so it will be easier for you to go the other route and in reality say nothing.