I hope it works...
There are alot of people on this forum speaking other languages than English, so I "invented" this game. We just talk about this and that BUT not in proper English: We have to translate from another language to English LITEREALLY and with the original word order.
An example - this text would be this in German:
Es gibt viele Leute in diesem Forum, die andere Sprachen als Englisch sprechen, also hab ich dieses Spiel "erfunden". Wir reden einfach über dies und das ABER nicht in anständigem Englisch: Wir müssen von einer anderen Sprache als dem Englischen WÖRTLICH übersetzen und mit dem original Satzbau.
The literal translation would be:
It gives many people in this forum, the other speaks as English speak, so have I this game "afound". We talk easy over this and that BUT not in onstandingly English: We must from an other speak as the English wordlike overset and with the original setbuilding. :zombie:
Additionally one should add the text in proper English or atleast explain the weirdest compositions...
Alright, here we go:
How is the weather by you? Here has it the last days only rained, but today sees it better out, ifwell itself though oney clouds at the sky befind.
(How is the weather at your place? Here it has only rained the last days but today it looks better, though there are some clouds in the sky.)
There are alot of people on this forum speaking other languages than English, so I "invented" this game. We just talk about this and that BUT not in proper English: We have to translate from another language to English LITEREALLY and with the original word order.

An example - this text would be this in German:
Es gibt viele Leute in diesem Forum, die andere Sprachen als Englisch sprechen, also hab ich dieses Spiel "erfunden". Wir reden einfach über dies und das ABER nicht in anständigem Englisch: Wir müssen von einer anderen Sprache als dem Englischen WÖRTLICH übersetzen und mit dem original Satzbau.
The literal translation would be:
It gives many people in this forum, the other speaks as English speak, so have I this game "afound". We talk easy over this and that BUT not in onstandingly English: We must from an other speak as the English wordlike overset and with the original setbuilding. :zombie:
Additionally one should add the text in proper English or atleast explain the weirdest compositions...

Alright, here we go:
How is the weather by you? Here has it the last days only rained, but today sees it better out, ifwell itself though oney clouds at the sky befind.
(How is the weather at your place? Here it has only rained the last days but today it looks better, though there are some clouds in the sky.)