Trapped in a corner


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001

This is my tribute to Chuck.
If anyone finds any problems (images not turning up, stupid things written, etc...)

I haven't put the links up yet, and i haven't put all of the audio up, but that will be done soon.

Any help would be appreciated, it's for chuck; so it has to be perfect.


(If it takes AGES for the intro page to load, post a message and tell me what connection you are using too...)
The intro loaded bit slow, that's true.. (using DSL/256kbps)

But the most important thing of course is that you've done pretty nice work with that page. Worthy tribute to one of the best musicians ever born and died on earth.

It's still a work in progress. I might compress the flash a bit, i dunno, i might be able to scamp (is that a word???) a bit of size off the quality of the pic...

I saw a recent photo of him (he looked really sick...), and it really upset me. So i decided to put my mind (somewhat) at rest, and do something in his memory.
Trapped, I could aid you in setting up the page, aligning text, creating/manipulating images, HTML, etc. I don't have any current sites running yet so you can see my work, but if you need something to see, just ask and I'll email you the test address for one of my pages (that isn't complete yet). You can see the front page of my Dream Theater site here...

Just let me know. The text on your page should be justified to give it a more professional look. And if I am to help you with this, I could set up a page with Envy, simply because every time a page loads on Tripod, a new pop-up ad loads and viewers of the page will get annoyed. You can still keep the name, all you'll have to do is change it @
Cool... thanks for the ideas.

It's justified, the repeated paragraphs are gone.

Vylance: Did the tripod ads load on the intro page? I guessed that it was just a '', so i just told it to close anything opened with that tag, but i might have been wrong...

(that script might be why TexasFried... got the error messages...)

Thanks for the offer, I'll see how things go with tripod (with bandwidth and all that... and the ads) for a while, and i might email you sometime...
I keeping getting told by some people that they get an error something like 'unterminated string constants'...

Any ideas?? (i didn't close off the font and color tags, but that doesn't make a difference...... does it?? )
could be. try closing the tags.
I once found that the only why netscape couldn't read my page was because I forgot to close a font tag....

wierd... I changed it.. tata it worked.... I changed it back again... tata... it still worked.... kiss my shine metal ass...

but I.E is usually rather forgiving concerning sloppy html (considering that it is able to make sense of frontpage code ;))
I'll try that.

The only problem is, is that it works perfectly on both of my computers, so i'm not going to know if i fixed it.

I've only got access to Exploder 5.5, so i've got no idea about Netscrape or earlier Exploders...

in the control denied section there is no link for When Man and Machine Collide. don't know if there is supposed to be or if this album is out yet or if its the one that isn't complete yet, so there is nothing to link to, but it doen't link to anything, where as all other album's have links. just informing you.

Very good and respectful tribute to him.
Intro loaded pretty quick for me on a cable modem hooked up through a network and on a crappy computer, so all things considering, it loaded pretty fast.

And a question i Hope someone here can answer, are they still going throuhg with that Live in Eindhoven(sp?) album and where will the proceeds go? Obviously it WAS for Chuck, but where will it go now? To out-standing medical bills, cancer research, Chuck Billy, awareness stuff? Anyone know?

Also, I noticed in the credits for First Strike Still Deadly(picked it up yesterday, kicks lots of ass), it said that the album is dedicated to Chuck, as well as othes possibly. That's pretty cool that it was dedicated to him.
The proceeds will most likely go towards paying his family's hospital bills.

They've still got the donation charities happening, and the money from that is going into paying off the MOUNTAINS of bills from the hospital.

Yeah, 'When machine and man collide' is the unfinished record. I'm waiting on news of wether the rest of the band can finish it. Steve DiGiorgio says that they will do there best. If it gets released, i'll put a link up.