Tribute Albums

On the Emperor Funeral Fog cover it is Attila (as a special guest) who does the vocals. This track appears on the compilation "The Beast of Attila Csihar". Ihsahn plays the guitars and do some backing vocals in his own style.
On the Emperor Funeral Fog cover it is Attila (as a special guest) who does the vocals. This track appears on the compilation "The Beast of Attila Csihar". Ihsahn plays the guitars and do some backing vocals in his own style.

Really? No wonder I thought Ihsahn did a fairly good impression, but even Attila re-doing his own performance failed to capture the magic of the original. I do like the subtle additions Emperor made to the song, the synths and bells, mainly.
Anybody ever listened to Six Feet Under's Graveyard Classics? Bunch of classic songs done SFU style. Since most people here hate Barnes you probably wouldnt like it but I enjoy it.
Thergothon Triute

Doom Side:

01. LOSS - Everlasting
02. EVOKEN - Yet the Watchers Guard
03. COLOSSEUM - The Unknown Kadath in the Cold Waste
05. ASUNDER - Who Rides the Astral Wings
06. OFFICIUM TRISTE - Crying Blood and Crimson Snow
07. INTAGLIO - Evoken
08. UMBRA NIHIL - The Twilight Fade
09. PERSISTENCE IN MOURNING - Dancing In The Realm Of Shades

Not Doom Experimental Side:

01. KROHM - Everlasting
02. ASTRAL SLEEP - Yet the Watchers Guard
03. AZAGTOTH - The Unknown Kadath in the Cold Waste
04. AXIS OF ADVANCE - Elemental
05. INTER ARBORES - Who Rides the Astral Wings
06. AARNI - Crying Blood and Crimson Snow
07. NOJDA - Evoken
08. SINGULTUS - The Twilight Fade