Tribute to DEATH to include members of Slipknot, CKY, Malevolent Creation and others

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Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Guitarist James Murphy (ex-Death & Testament) is preparing a tribute to metal legends DEATH, with recording to begin in mid-late August. Paul and Mick from mask-wearing rockers SLIPKNOT have signed on to appear on the disc, along with Terry Butler (Ex-Death, Six Feet Under), Deron Miller (CKY), Dave Culross (Suffocation, Malevolent Creation), and Brett Hoffman (also of Malevolent Creation).

Some of the tracks to appear include:

Land of No Return
Forgotten Past
Lack of Comprehension
dont try and be so hard core for fuck sake, not like its Joey trying to play guitar for them, Mick is worth a shit :) Deron miller though.. hmm, he's got some good things on some pre-CKY shit... Foreign Objects I think?
It's a disgrace? Fuck you guys. You haven't even heard it yet, and already you've passed judgement on the album. James Murphy is no amateur, he knows what he's doing, and if the musicians he's picking can play the stuff and play it well, then I say let them, no matter what bands they're in.
Why do that? He could be wanting to bring up the reputations of these musicians. Slipknot isnt going to be around for long, and by no means does Slipknot use any technical guitar work, so Mick obviously wants to show what he can do outside some cd worth 3 minutes for a magazine. Dont judge what you havent heard, thats just stupidity and ignorance.
I completely agree with Extreme Deformity and C-Taylor, wait until you actually hear it to talk shit about it, especially considering that the musicians you're complaining about are better than you know.
Why exactly is it a disgrace to Chuck? I mean, surely it shows that his influence as a songwriter and guitarist has spread to areas outside the underground music scene? They're paying tribute to his talent for Christ's sake, not walking up and pissing on his grave. I couldn't give a shit who performs on the tribute album as long as they can do justice to the songs... and since none of us have heard the album yet, none of us are qualified to judge who is 'worthy' to play on the album or not.
Do you think Chuck would have wanted to see this kind of petty pissing and moaning? Most of you seem to be missing the point altogether in a rush to cry heresy...
well, if Paul and Mick pull Corey and Joey with 'em, and they pulled them selves together, they might actually pull it off.
Paul mick corey and joey would make a brilliant band if they put their best into it.. but it wouldnt be a Death tribute. It shouldnt matter if it was a blink 182 guitarist doing the tribute... they are showing that they appreciate what the band done and that they enjoyed their music to the fullest...
Mick is actually a good shredder, dispite what people think. It's sad he's in such a shitty band like Slipknot. His talent will never shine with them. I have somewhat of a respect for Slipknot, because they helped raise money for Chuck when he was ill.
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