Tribute to DEATH to include members of Slipknot, CKY, Malevolent Creation and others

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1. Deron Miller is a huge Death fan, and a death metal fan in general. He put together the new best of Malevolent Creation album (best of of the first 3 albums). People mentioned one of his old bands, Foreign Objects.. great tech/space/death. He can definitly play some fucking metal.

2. I believe the money is supposed to go to chucks family. This project wasn't created to make money off of DEATH.. it's a tribute, and a nice thing to do.

Don't fucking judge anything till you hear it. Most of you probably only know "CKY" from Jackass. Give em a listen. Listen to Foreign Objects and This End Up (miller's old bands)
leprosy is one of my all time favourite albums, i had to buy it twice cos i wore it out back in the days of vinyl. Slipknot are ok, i like em, and i couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of them or me. But think about it for a minute, they are playing on a tribute album of a band we are all into and one that a lot of kids won't have heard, or even heard of. Getting these guys from slipknot involved will only be a good thing surely as the exposure will be greater, and maybe some of the slipknot kids will go out and buy death albums and educate themselves a bit. Just a thought!
I can't wait to see how this tribute album is going to turn out. I want to see what Mike can do outside slipknot, but If I had to choose it wouldn't be them, but hey it's something interesting to listen.
HOw can this be considered a tribute with people from slipknot and cky. THey are so far from what death is. Chuck probably fucking looking down with vengenece on this whole project.

We need a death tribute with Steve digiorgio, Gene Hoglan, Paul MAsvidal, Sean Reinheart, People who were in Death and knew who Chuck Schuldiner was. And also put people who were inlfuneced by death and love death just as much as the fans do.

Its a fucking joke to see poeple from slipknot , who are considered a total fucking joke, to be playing death music.

Though i hear rossdolan is on the project which is good and terry butler but for fucks sake why Slipknot and Cky The Trend Whores of America.

I just want, to see a real tribute, one with musician who were close to Chuck in Spririt, heart and agony .

Thank you , Good bye

PS lets start a petion , sopme one , to throw these dumb fucks of the project , hurray
Can I just add my twopence worth here..... Slipknot are NOT on the album for Christsakes!! 2 band members from the band are..... Now i'm not great Slipknot fan, but you can tell that Mick is the most metal one out of the band... You can tell by the way he is and the way he carries himself !! So what if he is in a band playing piss poor riffs and appealing to kids..... Methinks he does this for the money and the prestige rather than total dedication!!! Don't judge him..... until you heard him give it a go.... You may just be surprised... Think of him as a guitarist called Mick instead of Mick from Slipknot!

If we judged everyone like this.... Keanu Reaves would be making Bill and Ted 5 by now instead of The Matrix!!!!!

And be grateful that they ain't got Fred Durst on it too.. :)
i just downloaded the mick line 6 video and seeing him play some brutal technical riff wearing a morbid angel shirt me thinks he can manage playing this as hes a very accomplished guitarist. Also deron miller's old band foreign objects fucking rocks and it shows his talents too. cant wait for this cd to be released
Why? Another ex-Death member's already on the tribute, and having Devin Townsend cover a Death tune would be a killer piece of tribute, methinx.
I can't believe people keep complaining about the people on this album, Mick is a much better guitarist then you would guess from his work with slipknot, he's never been able to work near his potential. The first album let him flex a little musical muscle but then it went all to hell in that respect.

And whoever said this has a damn good point, IT ISN'T SLIPKNOT. Two musicians who happen to be associated with slipknot are on this album not the whole damn band, slipknot stays with slipknot, these aren't one trick pop rock ponies like Limp Bizkit or Trapt, just give it a chance.
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