HOw can this be considered a tribute with people from slipknot and cky. THey are so far from what death is. Chuck probably fucking looking down with vengenece on this whole project.
We need a death tribute with Steve digiorgio, Gene Hoglan, Paul MAsvidal, Sean Reinheart, People who were in Death and knew who Chuck Schuldiner was. And also put people who were inlfuneced by death and love death just as much as the fans do.
Its a fucking joke to see poeple from slipknot , who are considered a total fucking joke, to be playing death music.
Though i hear rossdolan is on the project which is good and terry butler but for fucks sake why Slipknot and Cky The Trend Whores of America.
I just want, to see a real tribute, one with musician who were close to Chuck in Spririt, heart and agony .
Thank you , Good bye
PS lets start a petion , sopme one , to throw these dumb fucks of the project , hurray