Tribute to DEATH to include members of Slipknot, CKY, Malevolent Creation and others

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Mick's talent is much higher than the simple stuff he does in Slipknot, Slipknot doesnt really require much guitar work, they consentrate on drumwork rather than anything else infact. I can't wait for this band though. Deron miller aswell, he's a pretty good guitarist, and Paul Gray is an alright bassist, nothing over the top there.
I gotta agree with the "yes votes" I am definately not a Slipknot fan, but if they want to give a little bit back to their roots, more power to 'em! I mean, come on. Shit, if Hanson said they wanted to be on the Death tribute, I might even respect them. It's all about giving homage to those who formed us, right?
I gotta agree with the "yes votes" I am definately not a Slipknot fan, but if they want to give a little bit back to their roots, more power to 'em! I mean, come on. Shit, if Hanson said they wanted to be on the Death tribute, I might even respect them. It's all about giving homage to those who formed us, right?

"I've got blisters on mah fingers!"
I have a feeling even if they do a good job it will be called every name under the sun because of the other artists backgrounds (i.e CKY, Slipknot)
I only hope they don't use the reputations of these guys to market the cd. It's good in the way that Chuck's mother gets more money from it, however it'd be sad that those names were required to market a tribute to such a brilliant band.
Mick Thompson actually teaches jazzguitar in Iowa, and Paul is a fairly ok bassist. Eventhough I'm not to keen on Slipknot, I'm still looking forward to hearing those guys doing Death covers.

Didn't Murphy play in Konkhra at a time?
Joe Murphy played in Konkhra between 97-99 and is featured on two albums and one EP. Both albums are pretty solid, haven't heard the EP but from what I've heard, it's only a taster for the "Come down cold" album from 1999. Overall, very talented musicians in the lineups they had during that period. Members from Machine head and other bands...
I'll give it a listen, but these guys better do their best, no one should take kindly to half-assed tributes, especially to DEATH. :)
Shit. Slipknot blows. I used to listen to them a long time ago before I was enlightened. Their guitarists suck, with their stupid riffs. They are so simple. A monkey could play Slipknot. Why? Why? Oh well, stupid people make fucking stupid existence. I guess I'll just not listen to that band. And I am in FL and into Underground.
TheMindKiller, does it ever occur to you that Slipknot does exactly need lightning fast guitarwork that would take someone 10 years of constant learning to do to make the music they make? If its not needed they wont use it. If anything they concentrate more on Drumming and vocals over guitarwork, which not a lot of mainstream bands do. You're too narrowminded.
C-Taylor, you should probably stop defending them and accept most people here will not like them, ever.
Why is someone narrow minded because they don't like a particular band? If you like them, fine, but stop forcing your side of the story on everyone else.
Its not so much as defending as trying to give them the right to start this without any of their backgrounds interfering with people not liking it, just for the reason that Slipknot and CKY is the backgrounds to the musicians... its nothing to do with if you dont like slipknot, thats your own problems :p But when someone comes out with the more underground than thou shite then its more than narrowminded, it is completely one sided and unfair.
Well, I agree with you. I think one the things which makes one to have a better personality, is to accept othr peoples views, and if youre a musician, its very important.
I know many of the guys in Slipknot are talented, so I think they'll pull it off.

Its just know, many "true" metalheads don't like that the guys from Slipknot who are gonna cover Death are the same guys who jumped around in orange suits, masks, played riffs like 00001000010000 and screamed "if youre 555 I'm 666". But again, those guys who think that often do not know that Mick & co. really are trained musicians...
Its true, they dont want to see that. But mick thomson has been playing Guitar just about as long as most death metal, metal, and all sorts of guitarists. He so happened to join Slipknot, although he's been a guitar teacher for years.
I reckon he could pull it off, paul gray on the other hand is just more less an average bassist.

I think they should be given a fair chance, if its shit, call it every name of the day, if it isnt, and its pretty good then good on them for attempting it.
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