Tried ABG's new G-Spot amp


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Spent a few hours with the upcoming AcmeBarGig G-Spot amp suite today. I must say, there is a LOT to tweak here! Really cool amp with lots and lots of possibilities to shape the tone. Different gain stages, different ways to EQ the tone... it's quite awesome really.

I pulled a part of one of my songs and slapped G-Spot on the guitars and then rendered the same clip with my usual guitar chain which is WarpVST (among other things). I openly admit that I'm not really satisfied with the G-Spot tone BUT that is not because of the amp itself, it's because of me =) The G-Spot tone turned out more aggressive and with more presence than my usual tone. I'm not saying the tone is bad, I'm just not satisfied with it. Need some more practise with G-Spot, then I'm sure I'll find a tone that is satisfying for me. It took me about 20-30 minutes to learn G-Spot and now I'm pretty comfortable with it.

Sadly, no bass guitar as always... it's just a scratch track with programmed drums and a couple synths, yada yada, you know the drill :)


The important question is: What do YOU think about the G-Spot tone?

Side Note: The noise gate in G-Spot is freakin' godly!
Sounds pretty good dude, but I think that the Warp clip sounds better. What did you use to get Warp sounding like that man? I have it but can't get good sounds like this out of it!
No offence to either you or ABG.. but that G-Spot tone sucked hard.
No harmonic content what so ever.

The Warp clip was definitly better.. its good, but not really good! ;)
No offence to either you or ABG.. but that G-Spot tone sucked hard.
No harmonic content what so ever.

The Warp clip was definitly better.. its good, but not really good! ;)

Hmm really interesting! So what is a lack of harmonic content caused by? Or more concretely... what does one do to bring in harmonic content to a guitar tone?
Hmm really interesting! So what is a lack of harmonic content caused by? Or more concretely... what does one do to bring in harmonic content to a guitar tone?

Lack of harmonic content is caused by the lack of tubes! ;)

Basically it means that the sound isnt as "rich" on frequencies(Harmonics.).. it makes the sound flatter, less dynamic and somewhat lacking space.
Tubes sound warm, wide and very organic.. this is because it gives you that big, full harmonic content.
Ampsims usually lack harmonic content, so they sound more harsh, flat and tinny.

If a tone lacks harmonic content, you cant put it back.. its all in the amplification process.
Lack of harmonic content is caused by the lack of tubes! ;)

Basically it means that the sound isnt as "rich" on frequencies(Harmonics.).. it makes the sound flatter, less dynamic and somewhat lacking space.
Tubes sound warm, wide and very organic.. this is because it gives you that big, full harmonic content.
Ampsims usually lack harmonic content, so they sound more harsh, flat and tinny.

If a tone lacks harmonic content, you cant put it back.. its all in the amplification process.

I'll read that tomorrow after I get some sleep but thanks a lot for simply putting it that way. Basically you're saying "Tubes or GTFO" haha :D Anyway, yea it's not like I'm rich and have access to a good tube amp so I'm just trying to do whatever I can with amp sims. But then again, you can't say all amp sim tones sound bad.. I mean come on, Erik has been putting out sick tones for a while now with amp sims! I'm so jealous :O
Yea I definitely prefer the warp clip. The G-spot it pretty tinny and it lacks low end in my opinion :cry:. Its still good just when you compare it too the warp tone it really shows what the G-spot sound is missing.
Yea I definitely prefer the warp clip. The G-spot it pretty tinny and it lacks low end in my opinion :cry:. Its still good just when you compare it too the warp tone it really shows what the G-spot sound is missing.

Caught your post right before going to bed! Hehe so a quick reply would be that I'm pretty sure you can get a good tone out of G-Spot. There are lots of things to tweak and I remember having a trouble with the low end so it's probably me who tweaked something the wrong way. Man I swear, Erik (Dandelium) could probably get an insane tone out of this thing in an hour tops.
Ah right thats cool, to be fair the warp tone is really really fuckin good so it set a really high bar for comparison anyways
I'll read that tomorrow after I get some sleep but thanks a lot for simply putting it that way. Basically you're saying "Tubes or GTFO" haha :D Anyway, yea it's not like I'm rich and have access to a good tube amp so I'm just trying to do whatever I can with amp sims. But then again, you can't say all amp sim tones sound bad.. I mean come on, Erik has been putting out sick tones for a while now with amp sims! I'm so jealous :O

Nonono, actually, i love some solid state amps and some of the tones i got out of my Pod XT.
Its just that MOST sims lack "harmonic content".
Nick Crowe and LePou's stuff sounds _REALLY_ good, as do BTE-Audio's Juicy77(SP77-clone.), but most of the plugs out there are just "ok" at most.. cant say anything about the TSX yet though, need to reinstall my soundcard, but what ive heard from it so far it seems to be really great as well.

So yeah, its basically weather the sims are good, or not.

Lets say that the G-Spot sounds like a really old Zoom-pedal, and the Warp sounds like a Pod XT or something.
Hey Erk...

Really good first shot at G-SPOT I actually didn't expect anyone to get their first try sounding that good...
Anyways, Yes, you are completely correct you can do a hell of a lot more...What I would do first is look at the character shape you have in the Drive Gain stage, and then I would also look at the tone stack a little closer. Remember if the bass and mid knobs was set to 1 in the tonestack designer, the treble knob would be automatically set to 2...2 parts treble to 1 part bass and mid...Thats just how G-SPOT looks at it..
Also click the Drive Channel Output hex Jack..Make sure that you have that set to allow more bass through..It sounds like its being cut at around 150-180 hz..This should be around 80-90 hz. Top end should be moved just until you get no more FIZZ. If you had a manual you would already know all this, you did amazing with no manual man.. Shit there is 286 controls on G-SPOT! So really great job dude. I will write a manual very shortly..

I took simplicity into account for G-SPOT...I got so many complaints about DIG being hard to work with that I didn't want to deal with that again..:)

G-SPOT will not be just for tweakers, when released there will be at least 100 different sections and presets, maybe even as many as 100 heads will be built in as well. So, getting a sound will be as simple as loading a different preset. Now... if I get complaints from people about loading presets, that its too much effort, too complicated, blah blah blah...then I am simply gonna refer you to any one of the 5 million almost identical simple sounding AMP Models available, Quite frankly put there is a Make believe Marshall with your name on it.. Go Get it...:)

G-SPOT is my LAST amp development, Nothing new will come from me for a long long time, maybe never...Who knows? I will only be upgrading existing Heads...

So, I made G-SPOT for me and frankly don't give a fuck what opinions people have of it..If they like it...great...If they don't...great. They can keep sounding like everyone else playing with their make believe heads...

I want to sound like me, not like MESSHUGGAH, Not like Zakk Wylde, Not Like anyone else...So, I made myself a system that would allow me to do that...

Cool I didn't think you owned that POD, Did you buy one?

Lets say that the G-Spot sounds like a really old Zoom-pedal, and the Warp sounds like a Pod XT or something.


You don't understand because you don't have G-SPOT on your system. You're probably thinking its the same as every other head, in fact it is a whole lot different...If you did have G-SPOT you would not say that. You instead would say that Erkans sound with G-SPOT sounds like a really old Zoom-pedal, Not G-SPOT sounds like a really old Zoom-pedal. That is the equivalent of listening to one person's mix in Reaper and saying that Reaper is too bassy...Its not reaper, its that mix done in Reaper that is too bassy. Reaper only does what you tell it to do, just like G-SPOT, G-SPOT only does what you tell it to do..

Just thought I'd Clarify that for you..

Also, Erkan did amazing for his first try with no manual! really!
Kinda like the G-Spot sound! It doesn't sound like a real amp though but for this song it fits really well!

Bra jobbat!

Hehe well I don't think G-Spot aims at sounding like a hardware amp so maybe that's why Ola! =) I understand what you're saying though and believe me when I say I would love to try an ENGL Savage 120 or something but I have recently started to just accept amp sims for what they are and it feels so much better once you do that. I don't care anymore if the tone sounds like a real amp or not, the only question that matters is if it sounds good as it is and if it fits the music, that's it.

I guess I have an "advantage" over all the guitarists in this forum though since I'm not actually a guitarist... so I don't care that much about the tone being "real" or not. As long as it is a tone, it's a tone! hehe.
Hehe well I don't think G-Spot aims at sounding like a hardware amp so maybe that's why Ola! =) I understand what you're saying though and believe me when I say I would love to try an ENGL Savage 120 or something but I have recently started to just accept amp sims for what they are and it feels so much better once you do that. I don't care anymore if the tone sounds like a real amp or not, the only question that matters is if it sounds good as it is and if it fits the music, that's it.

I guess I have an "advantage" over all the guitarists in this forum though since I'm not actually a guitarist... so I don't care that much about the tone being "real" or not. As long as it is a tone, it's a tone! hehe.

It wasn't meant to be offensive, I didn't mean that it would be a bad thing that it doesn't sound real. I don't really care either if the guitars are recorded through a saxophone amp or whatever, as long as I'm digging it! And I like this tone you're having here :)
It wasn't meant to be offensive, I didn't mean that it would be a bad thing that it doesn't sound real. I don't really care either if the guitars are recorded through a saxophone amp or whatever, as long as I'm digging it! And I like this tone you're having here :)

I didn't take your post offensive. Excuse me if I made it look as if I was offended but really, I wasn't. I just wanted to clarify that "real amp" is not super important to me (actually not important at all), as long as it sounds good and fits the music. I think fitting the music is much more important than "sounding good" and sometimes I feel like people don't focus on much other than the guitar tone in a mix. I remember many times when I dig a mix and then hear the guitars soloed I go like "wow, the guitars actually sound that crap.. but still so good?" :)

As for the tone in these clips, I'm still more happy with the Warp tone because it has this incredible "swoosh" in the high end, and a beautiful warmth in the low-end, mostly felt while playing rather than hearing in a mix perhaps. It's like... there is no fizz, it's more like a white noise type of thing in the high end where as other amps have this really hard and scratchy fizz. I cannot understand the technical aspect behind this, but if I knew how they got that type of high end in Warp, I would almost learn how to make amp sims just so that I could make an amp sim of my own which had the same type of high end haha =)

The G-Spot tone in this thread needs a bit less presence, smoother highs and a "fatter" (but still tight) low end. If I achieve those things, I think I could replace Warp entirely with G-Spot.

As a side note to all of this I'd like to mention how cool it feels to actually use Warp as my main amp sim. In the beginning when I was hanging around here just reading threads and stuff, I wasn't thinking on my own. I was doing what everyone else was doing and I thought that would be the best. But then this past summer, I sat down and decided to try all the amp sims available and I couldn't get a tone I was satisfied with with ANY of the recognized amp sim combos that people here use (the famouse SoloC+8505 being one of them). I then fired up Warp and was instantly struck by how "cool" its character was even though it sounded like a pile of shit. It just sounded so unusual, still like a guitar amp though but very original. I started working on the mids and got them up (because it's a VERY scooped amp) and that was about 5 months ago. I still haven't been able to beat my own Warp tone with ANY amp sim that has come out since then.

Good thing Warp is cheap though since it's old (from 2002) and pretty much nobody uses it, not that I know of atleast.