trigger workflow


May 20, 2009
hey yall,
back in the days, i was triggering mostly with drumreplacer, since i had no multisamples and i got better results with the drumreplacer than with drumagog or apatrigga wich i own both too.
with the amazing slate libary i am forced to use drumagog to have multisamples. well but in both cases (with drumagog even more) i get bad results and have to move each sample by hand after bouncing because i hate unprecise placements of the samples. and when i dont replace it 100% than its even more worse to have flamings and phase issues when the sample issnt exactly on the original one.
well, i do it with tab to transient and check every hit. and that takes darn long for each song. i always get scared when i have to mix a whole album ^^
i tried to record the triggersognal from our ddrum trigger, but to drumagog this signal wasnt that much better than to work with the miced signal. so nowadays i dont record the triggersignal anymore and duplicate the miced file instead and replace that one.

whats your workflow, or do u dont care bout bad replacements? or do you have some1 doing it for you? i need some1 too...:headbang:


btw i am a german studio owner, and i am watching mostly or the digiuserconference forum since years, but i never crossed that forum. its a great one, i was reading a few nights now...good information, polite and at least it looks like well visited so everybody can get fast answers.
thx for that.

My workflow is to simply drop an instance of Drumagog on whatever track i want to replace and load up a sample. Adjust the sensitivity and resolution to suit the hits and forget about it.
I never have to move anything unless the drummer was off in the first place.
Maybe your Plug-in delay compensation is sending everything off.

My workflow is to simply drop an instance of Drumagog on whatever track i want to replace and load up a sample. Adjust the sensitivity and resolution to suit the hits and forget about it.

Mh - no. It's not that easy.

Ok - Yes - in an ideal context. ACDC, no fill ins etc... But who the fuck needs to trigger Phil Rudd? But as soon as the drummer can't resist on playing shitload of those damn rolls and 16th fills which are far beyond his playing skills... Blast beats with poor attack.. Then you have a big problem. No way to get perfect results in a set-and-forget way. Usually lots of manually editing.
in drumagog theres an otion for hand timing, and in the advanced tab theres a latency slider for more accurate triggering, after you've bounched the whole track (snare etc) then just slide the sample replaced track back by however much it needs.. not exactly hard!
Hardly Phil Rudd.
Maybe punk drummers are tighter than metal drummers i dunno.
Or maybe computer recording has made bands lazy thinking it can be edited to shit later on.
I'll do 20 takes before i move one hit.
Make sure you get shit right during tracking. If a drummer insists on having a drum track that's beyond his ability to play than tell him to do a simplier beat. Say he wants some 64th note rolls on his snare and he can't even play 32nd notes on time...well tell him to do 16th notes and that you'll add the rest later.

I personally don't have a big problem when triggering off a DDrum trigger signal so I'm thinking you might not have it set right. Set it so everything but the quietest hits don't get through and just add those manually later.
well, i dont think, that i am doing something wrong. i just like it as precise as it can be. every hit, wich is not on the right place makes the drums soft and not concretely. like i said, if i am replacing 100% its quite ok, but if i am mixing the original bd with a triggered one, than i hate to hear even a lil flaming. it dont sound tight in my ears. i tried it even with a sample klick as original to have a real clean signal, and than i replaced it with drumagog. even than i had some kicks before, some after....not much, but still not exactly...idk if i am doing something wrong, or if you are not as correct as i am...idk, but since i have this problem with apatrigga with drumagog and soundreplacer (and in the soundreplacer, there isnt much to set up that i could do something wrong) i think its just like that and i have to repair it by hand.
i will maybe upload a screenshot of it tonight.
