trip info


Jul 20, 2011
Do you know which is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way to go from Amsterdam airport to Baarlo? Somebody please give me some info about transport, cuz that friday won't have much time due to a flight change :mad: so let's see if we arrive on time for the first band.

thank you.
dminisher: I will post a travel schedule soon if you want to travel with the group, and I will also post train connections for those who can't make it with the group, but need to travel to Baarlo. Easiest is to go by public transport, cos the roads around Baarlo are under permanent construction, as the Swedes can tell you :P
I'll be arriving in dusseldorf the night of the 29th, do u guys know a cheap place to sleep, a cheap room for two.

from there, which is the best way to arrive to Baarlo ?
dusseldorf -> venlo -> barlo
anybody help me with this :worship:

I also would like to know a place to sleep in amsterdam the night of the 3th of october.

sure somebody can give me more info with this :wave:

thanx !! :)
I think that possibly the best, easiest and most comfortable way to get from Düsseldorf to Baarlo is to take the "Swedish Red Cab of Metal, Beer and Hapiness" all the way.
I will be passing not that far from Düsseldorf and I could do the extra trip and pick you up at the hotel if that sounds interesting.
Mattias would indeed be your best bet at getting to the festival. He has been to EVERY edition of the festival so far and a very nice guy! He brings me beer every year! :D

The trip from Baarlo to Amsterdam you could travel with a bunch of us, if you want. We will be going by bus and train, and can tell you how to get where you need to be.
I think that possibly the best, easiest and most comfortable way to get from Düsseldorf to Baarlo is to take the "Swedish Red Cab of Metal, Beer and Hapiness" all the way.
I will be passing not that far from Düsseldorf and I could do the extra trip and pick you up at the hotel if that sounds interesting.

sent you a private message :worship:

you are my solution Noren ! :wave:
Mattias would indeed be your best bet at getting to the festival. He has been to EVERY edition of the festival so far and a very nice guy! He brings me beer every year! :D

The trip from Baarlo to Amsterdam you could travel with a bunch of us, if you want. We will be going by bus and train, and can tell you how to get where you need to be.

yeah, definitely, you can give me the info, it'll be perfect if you ppl travel the 3rd of october from Baarlo to Amsterdam, count with my friend and me for the return. have no doubt, this is the best option. :worship: