Trouble with my Hatewear order


Jul 29, 2007
I'm not sure if i'll get bashed for making a new thread over this, and not putting it in the Hatewear Opened sticky, but anyway.....
On August 10th I ordered a couple shirts using a Visa, and since I live in Canada, it told me it would take a max of 30 days to arrive. Well, it's 44 days later & nothing. I've contacted the admin of Hatewear, asking him/her to provide me with the shipping company they used & the tracking number so I can go to a local post office & try to find where they are. It's been about a week without reply.
I visited the post office today to see if there was any way they could track it using just my name & address, but they can only do that if it was sent from somewhere within Canada.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can do besides wait & hope?

I'm kinda hoping an admin sees this, hence the new thread, and can help me out. But uhh, yea, i'm just concerned & whatnot. It's not so much the money thing, I just want my Bodom shirts! Arg!
Anyway, my e-mail's

I hope to hear from someone soon. :kickass: Again, sorry bout making a new thread if everyone deems it too unnessicary.
I understand your frustration man.. 44 days for some shirts is pretty brutal. Unless they get Alexi to knit each shirt
whaha he better not be knitting shirts! he might injur himself again :p

nah seriously dude, I'd ask for a partial refund if I was let Hatewear take the shipping costs themselves atleast...good luck and keep us updated!

knitting with balls
oh yea :headbang:
I'm almost drunk, so bear with me here, haha....
I recieved an e-mail from Hatewear lastnight. Which was very nice, I was very pleased to hear a response. It basically asked if I had gotten it yet, told me I can't obtain a company name & shipping number, since I chose "economy", and then said if I re-check my shipping address (which they listed), then they would re-ship the order.

I don't want to fuck them over, so i'm waiting until tuesday (We're on Thanksgiving holidays) to check all the post offices in my city, just to see if it's sitting there. (Which I tried a couple weeks ago, and nothing)

Deathroll149, I live in Canada. But on the forms I filled out, it said it'd take 30 days worldwide. So I mean, I know I live far away, but if it was gunna take 2 months or more, it should be stated. If it said it could take up to 3 months, that'd be fine. At least i'd know it's still on it's way, ya know?

I'll figure it out tuesday, and e-mail Hatewear.

There's a lot more I want from Hatewear, so I hope all this pans out well. You can't buy many Bodom shirts where I live, or any other merch. I'm not pissed at the company, i'm 100% sure it's not their fault.
I'm just a dude who wants Bodom shit. Haha

Anyway, i'm going to drink more. Cheers for the responses to this thread, thanks guys. :)