trouble with Recabinet...


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I bought the complete Recabinet pack about 3 month ago. Whenever I had a new project I was playing around with them. For some reason I just can't get anything good out of them, no matter which cab or mic. They often sound really harsh and fizzy to me. Tried them with real amps, with ampsims... never had them in the final mix.

Maybe I'm using the wrong impulses, I tried combinations (some with GH's and awesometime impulses)... I always come back to my old impulses.

What are your experiences, which impulses do you think are the best in the Recabinet package?
Have you tried the 121 mic? Have you tried blending mics/cabs? Have you seen this video?

What guitars/amps/etc. are you using? I'm here to help. You should be able to get great results with this library, a lot of others are.
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It's hard for me to give tone advice without any sonic point of reference, but there shouldn't be any phase issues with blending, the whole library is phase coherent.

Generally speaking, keep in mind that a speaker cabinet IR is effectively behaving as a very rich EQ preset. Not every preset is going to sound good for every input signal. Thankfully, the principles of acoustics can guide you. You get more bass in the cone positions, more treble in the cap positions, and the edge positions are in between. Also, you get more bass and more fizz as you get closer to the speaker ("grill" distance.) This, combined with some knowledge/experience about the personalities of the different cabinets, speakers, and microphones sampled in the library will help you get in the ballpark much faster.
Have you tried the 121 mic? Have you tried blending mics/cabs? Have you seen this video?

What guitars/amps/etc. are you using? I'm here to help. You should be able to get great results with this library, a lot of others are.

I don't understand something in this video, when it shows three tracks of the same thing, each with different impulses loaded, do you just copy and paste the same guitar track three times and load a different impulse each time? I would have thought that copying and pasting this many times would dick with the sound a bit, but I'm not sure, maybe you could give some info please? I just got Recabinet Complete, and I want to start blending mics!
I haven't used my Recabinet for anything really satisfying either. Gotta try some of those tips you guys said. It has worked for some rock tones, but hasn't cut it for metal for me.

I've been using awesomepulses, some random impluse in TH1 (might be Recabinet, not sure, they come with some Recabinet impulses right?) and preshigh. I've noticed that preshigh doesn't mix with any other impulse, it just makes everything else phasey. But it's pretty good on its own.
I don't understand something in this video, when it shows three tracks of the same thing, each with different impulses loaded, do you just copy and paste the same guitar track three times and load a different impulse each time? I would have thought that copying and pasting this many times would dick with the sound a bit, but I'm not sure, maybe you could give some info please? I just got Recabinet Complete, and I want to start blending mics!

Yeah, just copied the same track 3 times. You could also use buses to do this, but the only difference is workflow. Sonically the results will be identical either way.
Yeah, just copied the same track 3 times. You could also use buses to do this, but the only difference is workflow. Sonically the results will be identical either way.

Cool dude, I'll test this out then later, i like the sound I've got from single impulses, but blending like mesa boogie cab and a orange cab could get me the grind tone I want :D