
haven't seen it, but most people I've talked to say it was horrendous. i'll probably see it some day though.
I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't like it. It's got a bit of everything. Definitely one of the best "epic" movies I've seen.

Movie critics are a joke. I don't care for explosions, car chases, or those movies that fit neatly into the "blockbuster" genre, but the shit the critics praise to the heavens is usually unwatchable.

It wasnt very good, nor was it stunning, or for that matter all that entertaining. I saw in it in Greece, where people were laughing when they mentioned the port of Sparta, and the Greeks around me that spoke english were very pissed off about the changes in the story. Why change the Illiad into big budget action drivel?

I liked Brian Cox and Peter O'Toole--oh and the guy that was the Hulk was pretty good too. Id recommened watching it, just dont expect too much other than a mildly enjoyable movie.
dill_the_devil said:
Critics take both movies and themselves far too seriously. I saw a review for 'The Polar Express' that was likening it to a Leni Reifenstahl Nazi propaganda movie... it's a fucking kid's film, you self-important prick! *cough* Rant over...

I think it's the same with movies as with music: the more music you hear the more you (usually) start to lean towards the more advanced/progressive/minimalistic stuff that most newcomers to the genre would simply label unlistenable since it requires some experience.

Why not campare it to Triumph of the will btw? Kid's films (Disney and its likes) are usually full of overt moral prechings which you might, if you really want to push it, could label as propaganda etc. It's an interesting paralell anyway, 100% true or not, which might lead to a healty discussion.

And just to make things clear, I'm not on the critics side, the movies they praise as masterpieces I usually dislike, but I can understand their opinions to some extent.
speed said:
It wasnt very good, nor was it stunning, or for that matter all that entertaining. I saw in it in Greece, where people were laughing when they mentioned the port of Sparta, and the Greeks around me that spoke english were very pissed off about the changes in the story. Why change the Illiad into big budget action drivel?
While I hardly think "Troy" qualifies as "drivel", I do think you've hit on the primary reason some people don't care for it. It all comes back to the classic "the movie isn't as good as the book" arguement. I'd be willing to bet, that overwhelmingly, people who've read the "Illiad" are critical of "Troy" and those who haven't thoroughly enjoyed "Troy". Which to me says, that as a movie, "Troy" works. Does it live up to and/or accurately convey Homer's story? Personally, I really don't care.

Haven't read the book or seen the movie, but Achilles better get shot in the heel with an arrow in the movie.