Trust on the Internet


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
Visit site
OK - I'm a Dad. And I always worry about those stories of kids falling for those people who present themselves in order to meet someone, and then you know the rest of the story.

So, here I am, constantly on this messageboard. I don't get any bad feelings here - it SEEMS that people come here for an intellectual break from everyday life. I don't sense that it goes anywhere else. I am old enough to be cautious, but can see why the younger generation can get fooled into believeing they KNOW whats at the other end of their computer. But since I don't visit many other chat rooms, etc, I'm not sure if they all look and feel like this.

Does everybody else agree about this Opeth forum? Or am I just as vulnerable? I've seen the threads about age, I've seen the pictures of people posted. I want to believe they are the truth - I'm always honest (although why should you believe me). So this is the pessimistic side of me thinking.
yeah i see what you mean. its a scarey thing, especially as you have children. this board is in my opinion wierd, we all seem to be coming from the same place, if you get what i mean. i dont think there is a board like this on the net, although i dont go to any others.
I agree this board is different. I've been to others, and they have a very different atmposphere. The feeling I get from psoting on this board is that people are genuine, no1 seeems to have ne alterior (sp?) motives. But of course, this isn't the best place to try and con people really is it? I think there's quite a strong sense of community on this board which makes it harder
Originally posted by godisanathiest
I think there's quite a strong sense of community on this board which makes it harder

yeah i think you said it there with one word, community, were the Opeth family. :) i think that chat rooms would be good if everyone was genuine, but they aren't and its just a shame.
I would say like Demonspell I am naturally not trustful in people. But I don't go to the point to not give my name and what not. But I have become very nervous, reaching paranoid states about certain things. The internet I believe is a safe place as long as you are smart enough to keep it safe and nder control. Not just meet some guy that you have been talking to for a week. I have a friend who after talking to someone on ICQ for a week will go and meet them, and in most cases they are quite a bit older. When you do something such as this the internet becomes an unsafe place to be. I know people that I have talked to for years, yet still wonder if they are true... It can be a scary thing, I just believe that you have to take it seriously. Besides, most trouble happens to younger people. Adults are able to protect themselves from possible perverts or something. The internet is not used to find and adress and murder someone...I don't think...:confused: :)
i agree that this board is diffrent. Before i joined this board i went to AOL chat rooms in the unholy metal chat and stuff. I hated it. People were such assholes there. If you liked ONE band that they didnt like or didnt think were "extreme" or "true" enough, they would jump on you and call you a poser. Its bullshit. This board kicks ass cause people actually open up and have actual smart conversations with each other instead of just arguing like 2 year old bitches. I feel safe on this board though cause i dont think a 50 year old rapist is on an opeth board (at least i hope not) :loco:
thats probably because most of the ppl on this board are guys in their late teens or older...not much pickings for you average pervert...if you got to something like a britney spares/ steps/ 5ive etc. message board its quite obvious (to me at least, and i hope to the kids who use the board too) that many of the ppl there are alot older than they say are, and interested in things other than s-club 7
I'd say this board is safe and cool, because the people are generally in their late teens or older and the people here are also pretty intelligent and knowledgeable about worldly things.

Also, this isn't a good place for a pervert to look because most of the people here are male and old enough to know what they're doing. The typical pervert would probably be looking for young, naive, teenage girls, like 15 year olds and stuff.

Not that I'm a perverted wierdo, but from what I hear on the news and in articles and stuff, that's usually how it goes.

I think the story would be different if this was a "teen" messageboard or chatroom, because then there's going to be tons of girls looking to meet guys in there. Here, it's just a bunch of people with something in common. I mean, yeah, there are the "how old are you, where do you live, post a picture" sort of threads, but I think they're harmless and it's intersting to put faces to the people we're talking to.
I have no problem putting my name, picture, even address out on the net. I don't think anyone is going to waste their time on me.

But on an old AD&D chat room, where we had all known each other for several years, it became clear to us that one guy had been lying about a number of things.. and it was a big deal. he would claim to have a girlfriend over and change his nickname to "sarah." Then he "got her pregnant" and she "went to seattle for an abortion".. to me it was a big deal, because a lot of these people in the southern states were close enough to visit each other now and then.. So he sent a mass email admitting his lying, though he still claimed some unbelievable things were true..

The channel was never quite the same, and a large element of trust was removed from the group. So, it's not always protecting yourself, but definitely keeping your eyes peeled for anything a little extraneous or unbelievable. A little paranoia never hurt anyone, but you don't have to hole yourself up in your basement, eating nothing but Clark bars, clutching your BB gun in terror..

they're not coming to get you.

well, not yet, anyway.
I was pretty much a scardy cat when someone asked for anything on the net other than my name...and I mean first name only. Shit, Lynn, isn't even my birth name. ;) I think the closest to being careless in that sense online is when I told someone for the first time what town I lived in. I started imagining all sorts of things. Reading what Duvall added, it reminded me of 2 guys, who actually turned out to be one guy, that I knew briefly online.

I think one of the best way to try to make a child understand what could be going on at the other end of the line, might be to tell them many stories of online relationship/financial scams. If they can't imagine it, and it hasn't yet happened to them, they're going to be ignorant to the facts, IMO.
Originally posted by rogue27
Here, it's just a bunch of people with something in common

Great taste in music :D But I've seen several people post their full address and name and no. on the internet and they've always been fine.... But I agree if ur in the right place and the right age it can be dangerous.....
Originally posted by rogue27
I'd say this board is a good place for a pervert to look because most of the people here are male and old enough to know what they're doing. I'm a perverted wierdo, that's usually how it goes
and it's intersting to put faces to the people we're talking to.

Beware the wolf in sheeps clothing....:err:

If I had a permanent address I don't think it would be that hard for me to give out. Considering most places I've lived have been way out in the boonies. Might come tracking a few of you down on my next travelling spree over the next 6 months or so though; it'd be nice to have someone to point me in the right direction for checking out the local metal scenes...
The only thing I am worried about is someone getting a hold of is my credit card number. I don't have much of that stuff we all call money, and I need what I do have. I have always been honest in chatrooms and on message boards. I really have no insentive to lie, what am I going to do tell some person I am a leggy blonde and then giggle to myself. What the fuck is the point in that.