Try my Motherload Speaker Sim Impulses


New Metal Member
Jan 25, 2008

I have a Motherload Speaker sim/Load box and I love it and its been a killer tool for me. But I wanted to create some impulses to use internally on my system. So I am going to share them with you guys.

Basically the Motherload has 2 dials 1-5 called resonance. You can dial in different tonally shapes(speakers) from it. I impulses all the different combinations 1-5 on each setting. There are some light and dark tones here so try them out and give me some feedback.

Here is a 7 day link to try them out.

Thanks and enjoy

Nothing specific that I can post now, but I use these with High end and they work great, very warm with not alot of fizz.

The key is just finding the one that fits you amp sound. I would setup the amp, sim whatever in a general tone and then use the impulses to dial in what you like then when you find it, tweak the amp/sim to the impulse itself.

Anybody have any opinions yet? I am amazed how close the sound is to the original 1000.00 hardware version of it.

will post a sample soon, very nice impulses in the collection although I think I might prefer the impulses taken from cabinets, but have not tried too much with these yet. Sound pretty heavy (in a good way) on the first listen!