Goddamn Mesa Boogie and V30 impulses

I've finally been able to download the archive (got connection problems at home and proxy limitations at work :Smug:), will try to decondolve the impulses tonight.
Thanks for sharing, Ola.

not to discredit your recording abilities at all, but I'm sure a huge reason that your guitar tone is always great is that you are such an awesome guitarist
+1 :kickass:
Hi there, thanks a lot for the impulses.
Just a little question: I was using few GuitHawk impulses with SD but... If I rise the wet signal (and dry down to zero) to 0dB the signal of the guitar is raised 3-4 dB, and clips my master out. Is that normal?? In other words, wich is the ideal level to use SD+impulses? I usually record at -4dB but it seems to loud for that.

Cheers and thanks again.
Hi there, thanks a lot for the impulses.
Just a little question: I was using few GuitHawk impulses with SD but... If I rise the wet signal (and dry down to zero) to 0dB the signal of the guitar is raised 3-4 dB, and clips my master out. Is that normal?? In other words, wich is the ideal level to use SD+impulses? I usually record at -4dB but it seems to loud for that.

Cheers and thanks again.

That sounds strange. When I do impulses in Spacedesigner I get them to be a bit to weak and have to use a gain-plug to raise it up to reasonable levels. So I don't know if that's normal :goggly:
That sounds strange. When I do impulses in Spacedesigner I get them to be a bit to weak and have to use a gain-plug to raise it up to reasonable levels. So I don't know if that's normal :goggly:

Yes is strange, I hace tried your SD impulses and the volume is low low but if I use GuitHawk (This One!!) the volume is overgained!!!!
I´ll keep messing with that cause I have to be doing somenthing wrong.
