Trying to quit smoking again.


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
And god damn, I feel like jumping out of my skin right now. I'm so fucking antsy it's not even funny. I've had zero today, so will probably have one when I get home. I'm doing way better than I have been in the past few months, so it's a start.



I know what your going through man. I have smoked for a little over 10 years and quit just before the new year.

4 things still fuck with me
1. After eating
2. After sex
3. Driving
4. Drinking

Hang in there man
I hear that shit dude. I had to quit smoking for a few days for an insurance physical. Best advice I can give you is drink a TON of water. Even when you're not thirsty, drink a bottle of water. It helps flush the nicotine out of your system faster and will help reduce your bodies physical dependence much faster. After that its all mental. Good luck.
Get hold of Allen Carr's book.
It is pure brain washing but it's very efficient.
I've been smoking like a mofo for the last 15 years. I haven't touched a cigarette since september. I don't miss them. It's good to be free.
i went cold turkey....yes one month and noone can stand to be around u :)
i stopped smoking in march last year.
hang in there:Smokin:
I know what your going through man. I have smoked for a little over 10 years and quit just before the new year.

4 things still fuck with me
1. After eating
2. After sex
3. Driving
4. Drinking

Hang in there man

Never had the urge to smoke whilst driving... Could be because I've never tried it :loco:
Oh Joe...I exactly know, what you mean. I was the most aggresive guy in the world as I tryed to quit smoking :lol: I even crashed my fucking Ps3 controller! But now..after 2 month, I´m Felix again. It was so hard! The first thing I did to make it, was to quit alcohol, too. Gimme one beer and I want a cigarette immediately! That´s dangerous.
Oh Joe...I exactly know, what you mean. I was the most aggresive guy in the world as I tryed to quit smoking :lol: I even crashed my fucking Ps3 controller! But now..after 2 month, I´m Felix again. It was so hard! The first thing I did to make it, was to quit alcohol, too. Gimme one beer and I want a cigarette immediately! That´s dangerous.

Yeah brother, alcohol and smoking go hand in hand!

a strange thing that I have discovered is that if you smoke premium grade tobacco, you desire to smoke less, mostly because they leave you satisfied after one, and you usually don't itch for one as bad for the rest of the day. So try additive free cigarettes or roll your own, you will find your daily count much lower, making it easier to quit.

also get an e-cig, then slowly transition from real tobacco to the e-cig, and smoke that as long as you want, if you have no worry to quit nicotine. But nicotine is an alkaloid stimulant just like caffeine. If you still want to quit nicotine, you can lower the cartiges on the e-cig until you get to no nicotine e-cigs, then it is still up to you if you want to keep smoking the e-cig or not)
I quit in October of '08 after smoking for 23 years. Haven't touched one since.

Some strategies:

1) recognize your triggers. Once you know your triggers (after eating, with a coffee, etc), you can break it. The first time breaking a trigger is the hardest. The second time, much, much easier.

2) set goals & rewards: After quitting for 6 months, I bought myself a vintage u87. I always wanted one & it was much easier to afford with all the saved cash.
Well I can't really offer any effective strategies because I haven't managed to stay off them personally. I quit a few times last year but I always somehow timed it really badly and everything in my life went to shit maybe a month later so it was just like "fuck it, might as well smoke."
But yeah, I figured I could at least wish you good luck in your endeavour to quit \m/
My friend Becky quit recently and she was a wreck while she was quitting, makes you realise what a nasty drug it is.
The monetary savings alone was enough incentive for me to quit. I still smoke socially (alcohol and smoking seem to go hand in hand), but once you've broken free of the addiction everything seems so much easier.
Get yourself an exercise regime if you don't have one.
It makes it SOOOO MUCH easier to quit if you exercise regularly.