TSE-808/Amp sim Noise problem!


Jan 29, 2013

I've been trying the TSE-808-> TSE x50 -> keFIR impulse loader (Catharsis impulse) FX chain. I love the sound of it, besides the headsplitting background noise that also makes me want to shit. :bah:
It seems to me that the TSE-808 plugin is the biggest cause to it, when I deactivate this plugin it decreases the brown noise to an acceptable and more normal level.
Even with all my nearby electrical stuff turned off and removed from the electrical net, that damn noise persists. I also turned off my wifi router which doesn't make it any less hearable.
Here's a sample of it: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41637831/noise without guitar plugged in.mp3
And a sample with my guitar plugged in:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41637831/noise with guitar plugged in.mp3

The funny thing is, my guitar isn't even plugged in. Only thing connected is my mixer (Allen & Heath ZED-12fx) and that's it...

An overview of my fx chain: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41637831/fx chain screenshot.jpg
The master fader also shows the output level of the noise. As you can see there's no input signal.

Besides my desktop pc I've also tried the exact fx chain on my laptop, without any external power feed, so it's solely works on the laptop battery. But still the same exact problem.

An overview of my gear specs:

- Acer AX3960
- Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits
- Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz
- 6 GB RAM
- Allen & Heath ZED-12fx
- Ibanez s7420 with factory pickups

I hope I've provided enough info and that you guys can help me out. And I bet you can! :D



P.S this is my first post so please be gentle :oops:
Wow, that's bad. I get some noise as well, but not that bad.

Something seems wrong but I'm not exactly sure what to tell you........

Cables are all good? Any pedals or batteries in the chain?
Oh yeah forgot to tell that quite important part. Guitar is DI, directly plugged into my mixer. I've tried three different cables. Guitar has no active pickups.
But the noise is still there, even though there are no instruments or whatever else plugged into my mixer, so I don't know if it would make any difference..

Thanks anyway for looking into my problem ;)
Well you've got the drive all the way up, so that's going to give you a lot of extra noise right there. Try using more of the amp sims' gain and boost the level on the pedal sim.
Ok so here's a sample with minimum drive: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41637831/Noise with minimum drive.mp3
And corresponding image:

Still too much noise in my opninion, especially with those settings.

As reference the same sample with the old settings:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41637831/Noise with full drive.mp3
Does it sound like this if you monitor that channel with nothing plugged in?

The first link in my first post, is a sample with nothing plugged in except for my A&H ZED12fx. I get that sound when I click the monitor and rec button in reaper.
Ok, but you now have your TS volume on 100%.

Back that down to about half.

I'd also run the Pre-Gain at about 4-5 on the Peavey.

That is still a decent amount of noise. Hope you get it sorted.
Does sound thin. It also sounds like you're playing pretty lightly. Dig into those strings like a boss, man.

You mentioned you tried 3 different cables, so I'd rule that out. Your interface/board would be my next guess.

A real TS is great to have, but if you're running ampsims, may as well stick with the free TS sim at this point.

If you want, post the DI tracks up here and I'll try to recreate the noise.
Ok, slapped that bitch in REAPER and added a quick chain.

Honestly, the amount of noise I'm hearing is normal over here. You just need to edit that out during any pauses or breaks in a mix.

And, use a pick! ;)
Hmm that's odd.. thanks for looking into it ;)
I'm bass player by origin (fingerstyle, duh), so I've never really used a pick. Guess I should be learning it any time soon XD

add more pressure in the chuggs

I'm sorry but what do you mean with "chuggs"? I'm dutch so, I don't know all of the English vocabulary :p
Ah ok. It was a quick recording, but that shouldn't be an excuse. I'll keep it in mind!
Since it's not the cable or interface causing the problem, what else could it be? Signal interference from trolling Martians or neighbours? A speaker problem maybe? Or computer hardware perhaps... I never had speaker problems before, so I don't think that'll be the case..
i get pretty close to the same amount of noise. its fairly normal and the more gain you add the worse it will get. just use a gate to cut out the noise. make sure your not to close to your computer or a crt monitor because these will add noise. radio towers can make your signal worse too but their is not much you can do besides move if that is adding any noise.
I've found that using real pedals helps a lot. I'm running a TS9 into a Rat. This combination sounds much better than using the equivalent sims.