TSO 2007 Tour Dates

Finally! The show by me is on a Friday so it shouldn't interfere with school this year! EVERY freakin year they come during finals week (which is the case this year too) but it being on a Friday should make it ok.
I feel kind of spoiled saying it, but I'm far less enamored with TSO playing the huge arenas. They used to play in a 2,000 seat arena in Philly, and it was a great show. Now they play in a 22,000 seat arena, and it can't have the same feel.

Even though TSO was essentially the demise of Savatage, I'm ecstatic for the Sav guys, and I love the fact that they are finally making real money for all they've given. Still, this is something I'd much rather see in a smaller setting.

Steve in Philly
I feel kind of spoiled saying it, but I'm far less enamored with TSO playing the huge arenas. They used to play in a 2,000 seat arena in Philly, and it was a great show. Now they play in a 22,000 seat arena, and it can't have the same feel.

Even though TSO was essentially the demise of Savatage, I'm ecstatic for the Sav guys, and I love the fact that they are finally making real money for all they've given. Still, this is something I'd much rather see in a smaller setting.

Steve in Philly

I totally agree with you - I much preferred seeing them in a smaller, more intimate venue. Of course, that doesn't mean I *won't* go see them just because they're in a big arena now ;) I'm happy the show(s) here in DC are on Sunday too.
I feel kind of spoiled saying it, but I'm far less enamored with TSO playing the huge arenas. They used to play in a 2,000 seat arena in Philly, and it was a great show. Now they play in a 22,000 seat arena, and it can't have the same feel.

Even though TSO was essentially the demise of Savatage, I'm ecstatic for the Sav guys, and I love the fact that they are finally making real money for all they've given. Still, this is something I'd much rather see in a smaller setting.

Steve in Philly

Yep, it's bitter sweet for sure. I'm like you, I was able to see them in a place that only sits about 4,500 people and was blown away. They don't play in that place anymore, because they moved it to a 24,000 seat arena in Knoxville. Needless to say, I didn't even bother with going last year and probably won't this year either. I'm happy for Jon Oliva and company making some money at it, eventhough I'm sure a ton of work goes into it. Regardless, Jon still keeps it real for us true metal heads and Savafans with Jon Oliva's Pain. :rock:

I feel kind of spoiled saying it, but I'm far less enamored with TSO playing the huge arenas. They used to play in a 2,000 seat arena in Philly, and it was a great show. Now they play in a 22,000 seat arena, and it can't have the same feel.

Even though TSO was essentially the demise of Savatage, I'm ecstatic for the Sav guys, and I love the fact that they are finally making real money for all they've given. Still, this is something I'd much rather see in a smaller setting.

Steve in Philly

I'm there too. First time I saw TSO I had front-row seats at the local opera hall. Now I'm lucky if I get in the third tier bowl of the city arena :ill: I'll still go, but.....