TSX X30 Thread...Post your clips here!!

There is this strange fizz which spans sooo broadly across the frequency spectrum on the X30, it makes me hate it even though it's an AWESOME sim. I just can't get it to work for my music... that kind of fizz is a no go. Can't get rid of it either by EQing it since it spans so broadly across the spectrum. I have never heard an e530 in real life but if they also have that fizz, then I will spit on those amps if I ever see one.
Hi erkan, do you still hear this in the newest version(1.01)? and what samplerate do you work on? I haven't noticed it, but please check out future updates and tell me when/if it disappears :p
There is this strange fizz which spans sooo broadly across the frequency spectrum on the X30, it makes me hate it even though it's an AWESOME sim. I just can't get it to work for my music... that kind of fizz is a no go. Can't get rid of it either by EQing it since it spans so broadly across the spectrum. I have never heard an e530 in real life but if they also have that fizz, then I will spit on those amps if I ever see one.

If you're describing what I think you are.. thats what I love about it. Its not uber smooth on the palm mutes like most other sims. It sounds like a distorted guitar should, imo. But then I'm a drummer, so what do I know ;p

plus mine, posted in the other thread, mostly Slate drums, all gtrs incl leads are X30:
erkan did u try using c4 to tame the 3900hz -5500 area?

Congrats onqel that sim is the best i ever heard! recorded some shit with it and it is the most similar to a real amp. No more need to get more attack before the DI hits the amp
If you're describing what I think you are.. thats what I love about it. Its not uber smooth on the palm mutes like most other sims. It sounds like a distorted guitar should, imo. But then I'm a drummer, so what do I know ;p

plus mine, posted in the other thread, mostly Slate drums, all gtrs incl leads are X30:

How did you get that bass tone. It's sweet!!!
It could be an aliasing problem...:rolleyes:
I think a hear some ironisch fizz too sometimes.
But i am still training my ears.
just done a quick 5 min jobby, didnt spend any time tweaking the amp sim, used one of my own impulses so had to eq accordingly (notchs at around 3.6 k and 4.4 k i think) and usual HP/LP

Which are made at what frequencies usually? sorry i'm a newbie,