choices choices i think im gonna just get the rc4558 from that site and take it from there, if i'm happy with the tone then i'll just leave it

I'm assuming you've already looked inside the pedal to see if the chip was 4558 or 75558... if not you're wasting your money. Don't rush to get things you may not even need.

The chip you want is the very first one on Mouser's list - the RC4558P. Go ahead and get a few, you're spending enough on shipping for a dozen or so to be more reasonable than one.

My guitar is fine, I just like that brutal crunch. :eek:

When I turn it down half or whatever, it sounds more natural but the notes when palm-muted or whatever sound very weak. Is this where the tube screamer would help, or should I try tweaking some more? :p
Clips. That's all we can work with at this point, unless your attack is really weak or you're palm-muting wrong I don't know what the problem could be.


Guys, if you haven't noticed the FAQ is now up. Questions would make a little more sense over there, I suppose, now that they can be directly incorporated into the thread containing the full text.

Jeff, did anyone ever tell you you look like David Cross, but with hair? :D
I see it in your avatar.... :)