Tell her to wrap barbed wire around it and shove it up her cunt.
Apart from that, +1 to what Mike said.
Apart from that, +1 to what Mike said.
demand a $200 compensation because it was, in a way, her fault that we were banned from the Garden of Eden in the first place.
Oh plus, if she insists on sending it to you to get repaired, you get your amp back freeCause ebay doesn't cover THAT... Haha!!
If she sends it back, just keep itIf you don't offer a return policy and she just sticks it in the mail, that, by all intents and purposes, is giving you back your amp.
Send her a nice box of light bulbs. Tell her the guy at Rite Aid was pretty sure that they were the right kind.
she gave me her number "suggesting" that I call her to resolve this or she'll file a claim with ebay, OH NOES!!!
She'll probably want you to buy dinner first, too.
Sounds like she didn't like the amp in general and is looking for an excuse to get her money back...
She wants you. Bad. This is just her way of getting attention. She'll probably want you to buy dinner first, too.