Turning garage into studio


Ocean Planet is on burn
Jul 10, 2007
Oklahoma, US
Hey everyone. I have a decent sized garage that we don't really use so I was wondering what kind of steps would I have to take to make it into a decent studio? Has anyone here done anything similar to this?
What could I do for the cheapest amount of money? Im not talking about gear though. Ive got that covered. I just wanna know how much it would cost to throw in carpet, insulate it, treat it, etc.
just make sure you are fully prepared to have a second, even more demanding "Time-sucking Money-pit" in in your life... the first being your gf of course... one that, IF you are lucky, will maybe... just maybe... give back a fraction of the pleasure that you can get from the first... but one that you can't get rid of nearly as easily.... oh yeah... and one that your first will be insanely jealous of due to the amount of time and money which you will be investing in it. Yeah... life gets interesting when you open a home studio. and this all happens before the first paying client walks in the door. god forbid you don't beat the odds and fail as a business, as happens to most home studios, because then you are indulging in a hobby..... and the first ""TSMP" in your life will really.... reaaaaaally resent that.

:) i hope that paints a rosey picture for you. if it gives you pause... well then you may have some sense..... but common sense is not the purview of the Home Recording Enthusiast, now is it?

and if you're a musician with an active band... yet another type of Time-sucking Money-pit... be prepared to have less than half of the previous time you spent on that one, and all it's related activities: band practice, individual practice, writing music, shows, etc...

ahhhh ha ha.. the irony... and let me be clear that i'm not trying to discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams/loves.... this is just a stream-of-thought "rant" ... we all love our women and our music... and all know that at some point a particular woman or band may not work out... this is the price to play, but when a home studio doesn't work out, which statstically is most of the time, it's a biggie... and it happens usually after it's damaged one or both of the first two.

i say if you can do the home-studio without the NEED to earn money from it then this is the way to do it, because as a business venture home-studios are not a great bet... and there's 50 more just like yours all around your city, maybe more. some not as cool, some about the same... some better. best to do it when you can afford to take the time off from it to save your band or relationship.

ah, the things we do... the things we must do.

good luck guys, happy recording. :kickass:
just make sure you are fully prepared to have a second, even more demanding "Time-sucking Money-pit" in in your life... the first being your gf of course... one that, IF you are lucky, will maybe... just maybe... give back a fraction of the pleasure that you can get from the first... but one that you can't get rid of nearly as easily.... oh yeah... and one that your first will be insanely jealous of due to the amount of time and money which you will be investing in it. Yeah... life gets interesting when you open a home studio. and this all happens before the first paying client walks in the door. god forbid you don't beat the odds and fail as a business as happens to most home studios... because then you are indulging in a hobby..... and the first ""TSMP" in your life will really.... reaaaaaally resent that.

:) i hope that paints a rosey picture for you. if it gives you pause... well then you may have some sense..... but common sense is not the purview of the Home Recording Enthusiast, now is it?

and if you're a musician with an active band... yet another type of Time-sucking Money-pit... be prepared to have less than half of the previous time you spent on that one, and all it's related activities: band practice, individual practice, shows, etc...

ahhhh ha ha.. the irony... and let me be clear that i'm not trying to discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams/loves.... this is just a stream-of-thought "rant" ... we all love our women and our music... and all know that at some point a particular woman or band may not work out... this is the price to play, but when a home studio doesn't work out, which statstically is most of the time, it's a biggie... and it happens usually after it's damaged one or both of the first two.

i say if you can do the home-studio without the NEED to earn money from it... then this is the way to do it, because as a business, home-studios are not a great bet... and there's 50 more just like yours all around your city, maybe more. some not as cool, some about the same... some better. best to do it when you can afford to take the time off from it to save your band or relationship.

ah, the things we do... the things we must do.

good luck guys, happy recording. :kickass:

great post james.
just make sure you are fully prepared to have a second, even more demanding "Time-sucking Money-pit" in in your life... the first being your gf of course... one that, IF you are lucky, will maybe... just maybe... give back a fraction of the pleasure that you can get from the first... but one that you can't get rid of nearly as easily.... oh yeah... and one that your first will be insanely jealous of due to the amount of time and money which you will be investing in it. Yeah... life gets interesting when you open a home studio. and this all happens before the first paying client walks in the door. god forbid you don't beat the odds and fail as a business, as happens to most home studios, because then you are indulging in a hobby..... and the first ""TSMP" in your life will really.... reaaaaaally resent that.

:) i hope that paints a rosey picture for you. if it gives you pause... well then you may have some sense..... but common sense is not the purview of the Home Recording Enthusiast, now is it?

and if you're a musician with an active band... yet another type of Time-sucking Money-pit... be prepared to have less than half of the previous time you spent on that one, and all it's related activities: band practice, individual practice, writing music, shows, etc...

ahhhh ha ha.. the irony... and let me be clear that i'm not trying to discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams/loves.... this is just a stream-of-thought "rant" ... we all love our women and our music... and all know that at some point a particular woman or band may not work out... this is the price to play, but when a home studio doesn't work out, which statstically is most of the time, it's a biggie... and it happens usually after it's damaged one or both of the first two.

i say if you can do the home-studio without the NEED to earn money from it then this is the way to do it, because as a business venture home-studios are not a great bet... and there's 50 more just like yours all around your city, maybe more. some not as cool, some about the same... some better. best to do it when you can afford to take the time off from it to save your band or relationship.

ah, the things we do... the things we must do.

good luck guys, happy recording. :kickass:

All true!!! :)
James you gave me that same rant
and its funny how it is busting my relationship up
but fuck it , i'll pick music over pussy anyday

But i used your idea, i still have my 40hr wk job and record and make money when i can....So i dont need money from recording but when i do make money its just an added bonus that i can throw back on gear
...Used to park the Wife's car here.
Actually, I found the solution a long time ago: Buy her a copy of Everquest & pay for the subscription!

I'm very fortunate in the sense that I married a girl who's a serious gamer.
mmmh...ok James, you're right...but it's like every other work. If you work in an office for 12-13hours a day it's the same situation.
And if you wanna build a studio which is the problem? If you wanna do the electrician or the bricklayer, there are hundreds people doing the same job...but you have to start.
mmmh...ok James, you're right...but it's like every other work. If you work in an office for 12-13hours a day it's the same situation.
And if you wanna build a studio which is the problem? If you wanna do the electrician or the bricklayer, there are hundreds people doing the same job...but you have to start.
We were talking about Home Studios (and if it's in your gararge it's a home studio).... you don't do any of those other jobs you mentioned in your home. Also they only cost you time... they earn you money. Home Studios most often don't earn very much at all... I'm not talking about yours or anyone else's in particular.... just statistically.

i was also making the point that it takes a lot of time and money in addition to the time and money you already spend on your band and your significant relationship (gf/wife), and family, and the time you spend on your day job... and the possible adverse affects that adding yet another time & money consuming pursuit to that mix can have.... and the adverse affects of doing it in your home... where your significant other also lives.

i think i worded it very clearly though, and even pointed out emphatically that I was not trying to discourage anyone... so i don't really get your reply.
I see where you're coming from James and agree.

I'm a a computer engineer by trade, but I'm also a part time hobbyist musician/engineer/producer.

I'm building my own home studio up slowly but surely and eventually plan to have a dedicated studio in either my basement, garage, or purpose built outbuilding.

I have zero ambitions or expectations of ever being good enough at it or successful enough at it to earn my entire living from it, but it's really the only hobby I have, short of spending time with my family.

I think the overall point of this is, do it because you want to do it, and don't get your hopes up. It is entirely okay to invest a lot of time and money into something you enjoy as long as the other priorities you have aren't impacted negatively by it.