
Television is responsible for a big part of the stupidity in our brains. It's probably the embodiment of lucifer on earth.... The only things I watch on the telly are football, documentaries and very few music programs. To get the news I read (serious and objective) newspapers. I'm really into cinema though . I go to the theaters at lest 6 times a month and rent about 15-20 movies per month. I must think I'm crazy. I also wanna make a short film but I need a good story. Any ideas???
barely ever watched telly, ours is knackered and I've only noticed today I only really watch the simpsons or family guy if its on. altho comedies have improved a lot with the office and phoenix nights
Star Academy !!!!
Do you have this show abroad ?? so much fun ...

Football and News too ... but that's all . TV will turn my last brain cells into dust.
Originally posted by sol83
I'm really into cinema though . I go to the theaters at lest 6 times a month and rent about 15-20 movies per month. I must think I'm crazy.

you're not crazy..
or I'm crazy too :)

I don't watch tv too..
only some good movies (if there is) and "Ally mcbeal" (does any of you know that?)
The two first seasons or so of McBeal were actually kinda funny, just because of the couple of guys that were hilarious. But the whole thing started to repeat itself too quick, you know, I don't wanna see Mcbeal walking to some happy music, music cuts suddenly and she trips and falls down every week :rolleyes:

Bah.. anyway. I don't watch that much tv nowadays. Mostly ER, West Wing and Simpsons on sunday :headbang: Oh, fuck, wait. They don't show Simpsons anymore for god knows how long :mad:

Plus, like some other people here I watch as many movies (dvds) as I can at home. And in the cinema.
I hardly ever watch TV. I don't even have cable or satellite, so I only get 10 programmes. Every now and then I turn on the TV when I'm having lunch all by myself, but I usually turn it off again right away. All these commercials and talk show people make me sick, I can't watch that shit when I'm eating.:Smug: The only thing I ever watch are educational programmes. Discovery Channel and stuff like that.:D