Twilight of The Thunder God tragically mastered?


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2008

Some days ago I bought this CD. Today I checked the frequency graph and... WHOOOAA! OMG's brickwalled. Loudness war is immense. I wonder if I have real copy of this album or just a fake. I'm giving you my frequency graph of the first song:

Have you got also something like this? I used Audacity to make this graph. Please post yours.
I have jawel case version.
Help me, please. I don't know if I have to return this album to seller.
I think he tries to explain that TotTG is mastered too loud, so that the sound is a bit overtuned and not clean. I have to say I didnt recognize that, its pretty good to hear on the new Metallica record what can happen if its mastered too loud.
as I said, to me the record sounds good. I can check the files out on my other pc next couple of days, I have a program there and see if its similar.
let me... erm... answer... the first question...

yes... obviosly...

you can tune up any cd in your player to max volume thats a good one...
but if the CD is mastered with extra loudness and you tune it up its totally overtuned and the sound in general gets down, doesnt make fun to listen. and in case of the twilight CD I listened to it very loud... works pretty good
Well, i'm no Rick Rubin, but i think what the o.p. means is that the production isn't balanced right, and some of the finer points of the music are being drowned out usually by too much bass or treble or what have you. It can be really hard on the ears.

Since this is the first such complaint i've heard regarding the new album, it is plausible that the o.p. purchased a bogus copy. Either that, or his sound system is completely fucked.
@DamageInc., I'm waiting for your graph. For me loud is'nt very nice because dynamics are flat. We have no louder and quieter sound but everything is on the same level. That's not real. Years ago CDs was mastered as the vocalist and instruments sound, now we have "loudness war" era and major albums have volume level increased very high. It contributes to clipping and general low quality mastering. My english isn't best, but I think you'll understand me.

edit: yeah, Beave, i'm wondering if ibought a bogus copy. That's why I'm asking about your frequency graph. My audio system is even good: iRiver H120 + q-Jays (havs somebody heard about it? 2-driver IEMs) so it's not my rig fault. Maybe other listeners have "rubber ears"? :)
edit: yeah, Beave, i'm wondering if ibought a bogus copy. That's why I'm asking about your frequency graph. My audio system is even good: iRiver H120 + q-Jays (havs somebody heard about it? 2-driver IEMs) so it's not my rig fault. Maybe other listeners have "rubber ears"? :)

I don't have access to an equalizer right now (i'm at work), but i have an idea. Pick out a track that you think sounds the most fucked on your CD, and then drop the $0.99, or whatever it is in Euros, and purchase the track from a reputable download store like iTunes or something. Then load it up on your mp3 player and i think you'll have a definitive answer to your question.
I don't have any Paypal, etc. accounts, so I would have to make and go to the bank and make a transfer. So in this case easier is to make a frequency graph and I will compare them. But thanks for ideas.
Yes, they don't partake in this loudness war. Heres what Iced Earth has printed inside the packaging of their single "I Walk Among You".

"This is a dynamic metal record! Play it loud!!! (We refuse to ruin our production by compressing the hell out of it so that it's mastered at ridiculous volumes! That kills the vibe and dynamics of the mix. Just turn it up on your stereo!)"