Two minutes of Trivium...

K, this isn't that bad, but please, post the rest of the music so people don't get Trivium confused with a Heavy Metal band. Yes, I have heard them.
Well, it's better than a lot of other shit and crap I've heard over the years, but it's also a lot worse than a lot of other stuff I've heard... The last solo part was frikkin' atrocious, though!
Demilich said:
Does it really matter if they're a heavy metal band or not? If they're good, they're good... otherwise, why do I care?

The point of the post was, though that passage sounds pretty traditional-metal-like, if you post the rest of the tune/tunes, people that enjoy heavy metal, and are thinking "HEY THEY ARE COOL!" won't like them.

I could post 2 select minutes of a modern Darkthrone song that my punk rock friends would love. Then the vocals would kick in, or they'd hear the rest of the song, and it'd be *poof* hated.

(yes, I realize that 2 minutes of a Darkthrone song is like, the whole song, lol, but you get my point I think)
...but please, post the rest of the music so people don't get Trivium confused with a Heavy Metal band. Yes, I have heard them.
My point was only to highlight what I like about Trivium. I don't deny they use a Hardcore style vocal, nor that they use Hardcore breakdowns (which I'm quite fond of). However, people keep wanting to say that they are the "very definition of NuMetal or Metalcore". That statement is flat out false. You'll find very few, if any, Metalcore bands that have 90 second, dual guitar solos running through their songs. You'll find even less that match the level of their musicianship.

Yeah this is really extra fucking poor. Nothing, literally nothing about this sounds original or even remotely attractive to me. Fast guitar solo? Maiden rip-off harmony? Not enough to pull this out of the shitter.
I'm gonna listen to this because I don't care if they rip off Maiden or any other metal stalwarts, as long as it sounds good.

shoulda posted the clip without mentioning who it was and seen how people reacted
sounds boring, the harmonies kinda pick up the song a little but it never goes anywhere too special.

what's missing: songwriting, memorability, interesting stuff, vocals (probably a strategic choice on the part of the thread starter), etc.
Demilich said:
I'm gonna listen to this because I don't care if they rip off Maiden or any other metal stalwarts, as long as it sounds good.

shoulda posted the clip without mentioning who it was and seen how people reacted
sounds boring, the harmonies kinda pick up the song a little but it never goes anywhere too special.

what's missing: songwriting, memorability, interesting stuff, vocals (probably a strategic choice on the part of the thread starter), etc.

I love Demilich's "stream of conciousness" posts. :)
i actually redid that post, the first version being a more authentic "as i was listening" stream of consciousness thing but hell, same ideas.

you know what i'm starting to realize? half the time i type completely properly, with big words and long sentences. then the other half i completely wing every post i make and they come out like that one!