Two Turkey shows are added

Great news! So we will be watching OL again, this time in an individual concert... :hotjump:
Though it means that I won't be going to Greece for some other time :( (I had a slight hope that I could afford to go to that concert)
We are having a shower of concerts here: Therion, Anathema, Rotting Christ, Nightwish, Lacrimas Profundere all will come in close times, I can't choose which one to go :)
I only know for sure I'll be seeing Orphaned Land :headbang:
Oh mamma..! That will be great :hotjump: Slash,Elektra and Fuchsia Groan will surely take their place at the first row one more time.. :headbang: :D
Wow Thats Really Amazing News !!!! :hotjump:
It Would Be Nice To Have A Lot Of Money And Come In Turkey Too !!!
:OMG: As Morticia NL said...We must find A second and A third job ;)
unconscious... i just checked the website of nightwish and turkey is not on their tour list.

... Anethema.. will be here and will have two concerts and the tickets of them is cheap as 25 million lira :) but i don't think that i will go there... i don't wanna sleep in a concert hall :D

THERION... THEY ARE ONE OF THE BANDS THAT I LISTEN ALMOST EVERYDAY ..! their lyrics are exscpecially like the exoduses in quran for me :) many things about greek, sumerian, kurdish, arabian, babylion rituels.. they even affacted from their own scandinavian legends too :D

ROCTHING CHRIST... THE GREEK GODS :) MY FIRST CONCERT I HAVE BEEN WAS THEM'S... 100% THAT I WILL BE THERE (if they will be here, because there is nothing written anything about the tour in their website eigther)

Lacrimas Profundere... not my style and there is nothing written about turkey concert in their website eigther

.... AND... ORPHANED LAND . . . . . .. . . .. .
N O N E E D A N Y W O R D T O S A Y ! ! ! ! !
We Will Pray For You Burak To Get Some Days Vacations And Be In Turkey Orphaned Land Performance And In Greece!!! :hotjump: :Spin: :kickass:
I'm sorry for you Holy Webland but don't worry I'm sure they'll come back here again ;)
Slash and Fuchsia Groan will probably be at both shows;Ankara and istanbul :headbang: :wave:
Don't worry my brother Burak!!! You will be there, you'll see, you will make it, I will pray for you brother... :)
Nothing is the same without having our "Holy Webland" around...i really missed you brother, it's great you're back with us!!! :hotjump: :kickass:
"Oh, captain, my captain!!!" :)
Greece and Turkey in the one month? Sounds great. I have never been to either country so it would be a great mini holiday for me!
Yes Tye , It's A Good Chance For You And Everyone In Here , That Haven't Visit Greece Or Turkey Yet !!!
It's A Double Benefit :)
You'll All See Orphaned Land Performing Live:worship: ( An Awesome Feeling ) And At The Same Time You Can See And Enjoy Greece And Turkey Too!!!
It will be great Tye if you can join both countries!!!
The fans attitude differs from place to place but the OL fans are fervent'll have the time of your life...i've been in Turkey and i know. About Greece...come and you'll see...;) :)