Type O Negative Bass sound?!


Dec 3, 2002
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I have always greatly enjoyed "October Rust," but I never really thought about how they got the sound they did on that cd. Then yesterday I downloaded a bootleg of them live (I was curious as to how the material would translate), and much to my surprise it sounded quite similar to the album, but it seemed the rhythm "guitar" in nearly all of the songs is bass and the guitar often just plays whispy stuff over the top! I'm wondering how the hell he gets that gigantic bass tone, I couldn't find any information online besides "he uses a custom bass." I've NEVER heard anyone else with a tone that's remotely similar, and I wondered if anyone had any ideas as to what is being done on this live performance (and what was done on the October Rust cd). I'm not talking about the intro, I'm talking about when the distortion hits...the live recording is clearest at about 3:45 I think. It sounds almost like he's got a distorted signal layered on top of a clean one, but I'm not sure and it doesn't account for the fat, warm, practically fretless sound it has at times.

The audio quality isn't spectacular, but you should get the idea.


And here's a snippet from the song on the actual cd:
