UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football

Achernar said:
Well, England on the way. :) What do you reckon about this match (England-Portugal)? :p Rooney vs. Ronaldo? :p
deffo the next generation. I am well impressed by Rooney, cause he played an average season at Everton, and now he is in a great shape, another two goals tonight. I mean he is just 18.... . Same with Cristiano Ronaldo, he is one of the most talentd player with the ball, though he is a bit high- spirited at times. Still it seems like a new generation is taking over. And i can't really understand why Santini stays with some older players, or simply risks something when the team seems to be in a quite bad shape, like the most time tonight against Swiss. I mean look at their bench.......

Anyways, it's gonna be a very interesting game between Portugal and England, and i'm really looking forward to it.
the_good_son141 said:
well i think the only worth mentioning thing we can do to france is tickle them.
Never say never!!!

France didn't really impress so far, and Greece COULD cause havoc with their chickenyard-defence, offensive luck and individual performances...

Can be quite an interesting game, imo!!
the_good_son141 said:
i know.i said it just to mislead santini.im sure if we had england itd be harder,its good the french have a dead henry and we have one more day off than them...go karagounis!
Don't be SO GREEK now!!! :tickled:

I say... HENRY WILL SCORE!!!! TWICE!!!! :cool:

(xexe ;) )
the_good_son141 said:
btw doesnt everyone want to see rooney being tackled rather than escape a tackle and score?where is good ol adorable shearer?
He's at the local bar having a lager!
rooneys a carthief, hes only so good cos the previous 10 generations of his family were work shy povvos who had fuck all else to do but wear tracsuits and kick tin cans about. its genetic