UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football

Dhatura said:
but I'm not gonna talk footie, you can take my word.
Strangelight said:
I didnt see a foul for Campbells disallowed goal and that Portugal one looked over the line. Anyone see a replay of that?
well yeh i thought it was over the line i must be honest, but it was kept quiet :Smokedev:
Strangelight said:
I didnt see a foul for Campbells disallowed goal and that Portugal one looked over the line. Anyone see a replay of that?
absofuckenlutely, i agree on Campbells goal. And aye, there was no replay, this camera team really sucks. Anyway, a great game indeed. In the end it's deserved cause Portugal did a great second half in regular and a first in overtime. Still i would've like England to go one round further.

about that Gerrard transfer: So it's only one player plus the money, still decent enough i reckon.
ok, just saw another replay of that Campbell goal, and i must say it was a correct decision by the ref, cause Terry actually pushed the keeper down. Still no replay of that other situation.