UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football

Morpheus said:
ok, just saw another replay of that Campbell goal, and i must say it was a correct decision by the ref, cause Terry actually pushed the keeper down. Still no replay of that other situation.
Yeah, that was pretty obvious. But the goal of portugal didn't go over the line as well. That was clear too in the replay. So nobody was put in a disadvantage by the ref.
Go Portugal
Go Portugal
Go Portugal
Achernar said:
FUCK YEAH! :D Don't give me shit about the referee. We had the cold blood in the end. All hail scoring goalkeepers. :D
You deserved it anyway (except Figo). Englands showponies didnt perform (except the defence) and Rooney was sorely missed. Its funny all these multi-million pound stars relying on an 18 year old scally to get them through.
fucking delighted for beckham, what a fucking tool hehe, aye portugal deserved to win, and a great kick from the goalkeeper!!
I just noticed he wore no gloves on his save. That's cuz my heart couldn't stand the fucking penalties so I went away from the TV. Go Ricardo, go! :D Figo thinks he'll always play but Simão Sabrosa is far better now. I hope Figo stays in the bench next game.

Strangelight said:
You deserved it anyway (except Figo). Englands showponies didnt perform (except the defence) and Rooney was sorely missed. Its funny all these multi-million pound stars relying on an 18 year old scally to get them through.
Cole did a great game but what he said before the game was just ridiculous. I just read Sun (the newspaper) and I find it too ridiculous to believe it. Why blame it on the referee FFS? *sigh*
terry fouled the keeper, he didnt let him jump, if he did he would grab the ball before cambel could do anything. correct call.

but that fuckin twat erikson, what the fuck was he doing taking out scholes for phil i-can-hardly-make-a-pass neville. england played like some italian 60's team, everybody defending all of the second half. i'm happy they're out, proper coaching my ass, i lost me money too, dammit.
well... I must say portugal deserved that one the star of the match for me was Cole I felt really bad for Vassel. Hargreaves is a melon. Did anyone see his run it was like the best thing I had ever seen him do on a pitch and just as he gets past the last defender to score or pass it to someone who can he falls flat on his face. Ronaldo looks like a scal from st helens with that haircut. Figo was nothing special. But the portugese I think were just far faster and fitter.

In regards to the disallowed goal. You can guarentee that will be talked about over and over and over again and well and truly get on my tits. I dont think Terry intentionally obstructed ricardo he didnt take his eyes off the ball but he did non the less and ricardo probably would have got a hand to it but whether campbell cudda got it past him anyway we shall never know.

Beckham shud jus stick to selling pepsi. Owen retrieved a bit of dignity in that match good goal. And that cocky little portugese bastard who just chipped it past James that was shamefull

Sooo... whos gonna be in the final.
For once the commentators summed up my thoughts on the game, 2 quotes:

"A very peaceful game"

"Almost amazing how paceless this game is"

At least we're sure to have some excitement at some point in the game.

And why is France playing Zidane on the wing?
Achernar said:
I almost felt asleep watching this. What a bore after yesterday's game. Congratz sol. Let's see what happens tomorrow. :p

First 80 minutes yesterday weren't exactly a thrill either.

Time for some viking pride and passion to reignite this euro.