UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football

Those portuguese arsewipes are too sure of themselves. They need to get those old rotten players out and the young ones in if they want them to sweat a bit. Oh, and I saw Beckham looking at a camera when he shot the penalty. Hehe.
nah i still think he's massively overrated, France mightnt have been in that situation if it wasnt for zidane moping around for 88 minutes waiting for someone to feed him the ball then win it back for him when he fucked up, i hate midfielders who cant look after themselves. Viera and macawhohaa werent exactly breaking their necks either tho
james and gerrard fucked it up tonight for england. zidane's foul could easily be saved. as for the steve... i hope he doesnt try something similar in the premiership.
Zidane's free kick could easily be saved?

I'm not much of a Zidane fan, but you can't claim a guy who comes through like he did tonight and as he did in the CL final 2 years back with goal of the year, possibly century, and in the WC final 6 years back, isn't special. (he was thoroughly shut down however, by Denmark 2 years ago, hehe).

But since he's rated as the world's best footballer, I guess he could be overrated.
i believe too that zidane is a little bit overrated but England could use a guy like him. I mean England really shut down Henry and the other guys but i think they lack a guy who can open up the game do smthing creative on the pitch to organize efficient attacks. (Do not mention Beckham) I dont think France can win the cup playin like this by.
if james remembered he had also a right corner to look after, he would have saved it. tho i guess one can claim it was zidane that did the magic and fooled him in a way but still, i think james should have been far more cautious.

anyway, what i'm happy about is that all major teams so far are pretty crappy. i hope this goes on.
Allan said:
Well, I certainly hope we'll make Italy look crappy tomorrow.
yeah, hope so too. I think Denmark has a pretty good chance tomorrow. I'll definitely support them. As for James, well he could have watched his corner a bit more, yes, but what if freekick would have been precisely to the bar on the other side? i meanit's pretty hard for a goalie to always see the side innit?
Anyways, it looks like it's goin to be a nice EC with a lot to discuss, that's good i reckon.
I must admit I'm only optimistic out of principle, missing some key players. But hey, believe in the 6 year rule. WC 86- glorious footie in the group stage (3 w, goals 8-1) had us as a championship fav heading into the final 16 (no need to mention what happened then). Euro 92- Guess you know. WC 98- 1/8 final DK 4 Nigeria 1, 1/4-final Denmark 2 Brazil 3 (still the best footie game I've seen).
a keeper always has the major responsibility for his open angle i reckon. he shouldnt move before the kick. anyway, i guess gerrard did the real stupid thing today. absolutely horrible...
cedarbreed said:
You lot are merely jealous...
My bets for tonight :
Denmark 1 - Italy 1
Sweden 2 - Bulgaria 0

supporting Denmark and Sweden.
my tip for tonight is:

Denmark - Italy 0-1
Sweden - Bulgaria 2- 0

Supporting: Denmark and Sweden, of course!

i have no idea why erikson put in heskey for rooney tho. that was plain stupid. owen was non-existant yesterday. bah...

my bets for today are:
italy-denmark 1-0 (deffo a low score on this one)
sweden-bulgaria 2-0
sol83 said:

i have no idea why erikson put in heskey for rooney tho. that was plain stupid. owen was non-existant yesterday. bah...

my bets for today are:
italy-denmark 1-0 (deffo a low score on this one)
sweden-bulgaria 2-0
same bets as mine hehe, nice one, though slighly wrong.
Denmark would've deserved mre than 1 point, they played a good game, especially Sörensen was in great shape.
And about Sweden, well, what can i say! Superb game, maybe a few goals too high, cause i think Bulgaria wasn't too bad either. Thanks to both team for the best game so far!
Denmark deserved to win, I'm really disappointed. The game was gorgeous though, best playing so far !
Sweden is really lucky, Bulgaria didn't deserve to be humiliated this way, 2-1 or 3-1 for Sweden would of been more fair.