UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football

sol83 said:
yeah, it came out interesting. you know, a shrink would probably explain that mistake as the the subconscious outcome of long sexual deprivation...
ah dont get alwin started off ffs :tickled:

only saw the highlights but denmark looked like their keeper played a blinder, fair play to em,

and kilkenny were beaten by wexford in the hurling, but none of yous would care about that yiz heathens :erk:
sol83 said:
yep. that was really bad. but you know, the refs are like politicians. diplomacy, public relations and all... :Smug:
though it's a bit strange so far, speaking about the refs. I mean there are games with like 7 or more yellow cards where half of the fouls aren't worth any card, and you think ffs let the game flow a bit more, but then there is a real cruel foul, like that Totti one, and the ref is like: "no it wasn't more than yellow." Even Colina had some strange decisions in his first game.

And yes, i'm pessimistic about the game tonight, because i don't think the formation is any good, at least not for more than one point. i mean, it seems a if we play a 4-5-1 system, two defensive midfielder included. Very defensive tactic, too defensive for my liking. I would've liked to see Schweinsteiger as behind the forwards, but Rudi seems to be more cautious. Well you never know what will happen, but in general i'm pessimistic, although in my eyes Hollands formation isn't their best either.

One thing i hope is that the fans won't have any quarrels after the match. When i hear of some things of either german or holland fans, it seems as if it might get hot again. I don't like this rivalry at all. For me it's "What happens on the pitch, stays at the pitch!".
sol83 said:
erm, euro 2000 final, erm, wiltord scoring, erm, in '93, erm, in a game were italy was far better, erm, no luck, erm... :p

True, still it doesn't mean we have a monopoly at luck. Was France lucky in 2002 ? Do you think we'll be lucky till the end of the competition ? I don't think so !
Strangelight said:
Haha. Les arrogances!! I believe Maradonas conspiracy theory anyway

Hehe what's that reputation we have, being arrogant and stuff ?
And I thought it was a matter of good finishing ? I guess we're really good at that, scoring twice on three goal occasions :D
cedarbreed said:
Was France lucky in 2002 ?
Nope, just terribly bad! ;)

but you're right, it wasn't just luck against england. it was also inattentiveness by the english!

I find it somehow irrelevant to discuss such things, everyone has a different view on things, influenced by sympathy or antipathy.
Bambi said:
ah dont get alwin started off ffs :tickled:

and kilkenny were beaten by wexford in the hurling, but none of yous would care about that yiz heathens :erk:
i was up for wexford meself and was delighted with the last minute goal. they're legends at that. and then france went and did the same thing for me, what a day :D
Morpheus said:
I find it somehow irrelevant to discuss such things, everyone has a different view on things, influenced by sympathy or antipathy.

But that's precisely what I like about soccer :erk: ! After the game itself of course...
It's always great fun to tease losers. And I'm preparing to be severely made fun of in a few weeks time :-s
Morpheus said:
Nope, just terribly bad! ;)
i'm afraid i have to agree. you cant be unlucky in 3 straight games ffs! in none of those games did france play in the level they could.

anyway, in every competition there's a major team doing bad. lets not forget argentina too in 2002. its gonna be the same agin this year.

i dont that portugal is as good as they say tho. not in our game at least. and also if you check their frendlies this year they have terrible results. they're gonna have a major problem if they dont beat the russians tomorrow. i also disliked italy's performance. totaly crap.

theres a good chance the underdogs do well in the competition. todays matches will be interesting too. germany and holland are not in good shape either i reckon.
I think (hope) the following teams will survive the groups :

A : Greece + Portugal or Greece + Spain
B : England and France
C : Denmark and Sweden
D : Czech Republic and Holland
toolsofthetrade said:
your evertonoiziiassmiszm.
X wrong

not only did they let their country down, giving the game to France, they also all played/play for LIVERPOOL

ps: I would have added Owen to the list, but I totally forgot he was playing
scuse me, becks missed the penalty and gaz caused one, alrite after steevee harrised the ball back to a nobhead who clearly should be warming up the bench.. dunno who to put on goal tho :erk:
eriksson must have seen the wank/mikey combination was crooked.
why try to swap them for the exact same combination? at a lower quality rate obviously
i dunno why heskey was selected - i'd be up for allan smith 10 times before thinking of that donkey :(
5 minutes: Wayne Rooney and Paul Scholes link up well and the Manchester United man slides a pass into the box for Owen, but William Gallas uses his strength and pace to get ahead of him and shepherd the ball clear.

24: Rooney’s pass from right to left, intended for Scholes, runs loose to Owen. He is forced to check back and sends ball back across pitch to Steven Gerrard. His cross from the right to the far post is cleared by Gallas, who is being impeded by Owen.

30: Drops deep to play a short pass to Scholes, but passing move breaks down when Ashley Cole’s pass inside to Rooney is slightly too far ahead.

37: After Ledley King makes a crucial defensive header, the ball is shuttled forward to the Liverpool striker but he is once again muscled out by Gallas.

41: Long throw from Gary Neville, aimed for Owen in the middle, is plucked out of the air easily by Fabien Barthez.

45+1: Scholes lofts a pass through the middle but it skips away off the turf with Owen in pursuit and Lilian Thuram gets to it first.


52: Smart turn from Owen just inside the French half for once gives him a yard on Silvestre, who tugs him back for a free-kick.

56: Plays a pass short to strike partner Rooney, who finds David Beckham advancing through the middle. Owen makes a great break to the left and is unmarked but Beckham opts to shoot from distance – and misses.

66: Superb first touch and turn from Rooney, who tries to slot it through to Owen, but Silvestre blocks him off yet again.

69: Substituted for Darius Vassell.
sol83 said:
germany - holland 1-1

i think it was a fair result. tho i was more pleased by the germans.
as it was fair for the czechs earlier, they completely outplayed latvia on the second half and missed tons of chances. i missed that score just by one goal dammit...
Bambi said:
only saw the highlights but denmark looked like their keeper played a blinder, fair play to em,

He did, but Buffon had to be right upthere with him. Real star was Martin Laursen, amazing presence.

That possession statistic after 30 min was 63 %, not 67 btw.

Now, we've got Grønkjær and Gravesen back friday, should be good, though I have to fucking work, which pisses me off.
sol83 said:

i think it was a fair result. tho i was more pleased by the germans.
as it was fair for the czechs earlier, they completely outplayed latvia on the second half and missed tons of chances. i missed that score just by one goal dammit...
yes, all in all i must say it was an ok result for us, especially after some 20 minutes where the Oranjes had their chances. I was a bit disappointed though when Nistlerooy scored the 1-1, cause i think we played a really good game, not only defense like, we even had some good chances. But one could easily see that we couldn't keep the pressure we produced in the first half and so it was only a question of time that Holland would get their chances. Unfortunately, it was an easy mistake by Ernst who simply should have cleared the ball. Nevertheless, i'm kind of content with our teams performance. And i'm sure it will be a good tournament for our young players. Friedrich and Schweinsteiger did a really good job, Friedrich was easily the best defender in the first half, for me at least. Thumbs up!

As for Latvia, i must say: respect! They played clever against the Czech Republic. Good defense and good counter attacks. Pity they lost their strength after 60 minutes like. But after this game i'm sur eit won't be too easy for holland and germany to beat them.
Achernar said:
@Morpheus - Thumbs up for the german defenders, great work. Too bad Van Luckyroy scored cuz he didn't deserve to...Schweinsteiger holds the ball too much IMO, but he'll be a great player in the future...
agree, he holds the ball too much yet, sometimes he is too eager to go on his own. But at the moment i prefer this to some players who are scarred to try a solo themselves. And you're right hes got a bright future. I mean he's yet 19 and this EC might be good for him.

I'm looking forward to tomorrows group. Me bets are:

Greece - Spain 1-2

Russia - Portugal 1- 3