Ugghh, people on HCAF have their heads so far up their asses


Feb 20, 2005
Stumbled across this thread in a google search for info on the various revisions to the Rectifier series (which I found on this page, a fucking goldmine for Recto info, check it out!), and oy - talk about people talking out of their asses with little to no experience or ability in amp tweaking. I mean, all this talk about muddy, with one guy going so far to say that you can't use Rectos for tech-death, uhh, tell that to fucking Decapitated on "The Negation!"

Honestly, it's my feeling that you can't truly judge a guitar tone until you've mic'ed it up (or directly A/B'ed in the room, but it's generally easier to mic it and compare to others, at least IME with no good amp sellers around! :erk: ) And then the people with their "buy a Diezel" talk, trying to justify their humongous investments - apologies to Diezel owners, they may be good, but between them and Rectos I know which one I've heard COUNTLESS more awesome recorded tones from! (and no one dare say "Lateralus," that tone sounds so dull and boring to me). God I love this place...
Arguing about something as subjective as tone is so redundant... Or from a radical constructivist's POV: There is no such thing as objectivity.

However, we all love to discuss tones, don't we? That makes sense. But these childish arguments rather guided by image and opinion leaders than by ear just plainly suck.

That being said: I like the Recto. But usually not on it's own, rather in a multi-amped mix for a good bass/base fundament. I usually miss some raw midrange character (like 5150ish) with Recto standalone tones.

And + 1 for the TS. Also the Überschall benefits from a TS IMHO.
Arguing about something as subjective as tone is so redundant... Or from a radical constructivist's POV: There is no such thing as objectivity.

However, we all love to discuss tones, don't we? That makes sense. But these childish arguments rather guided by image and opinion leaders than by ear just plainly suck.

That being said: I like the Recto. But usually not on it's own, rather in a multi-amped mix for a good bass/base fundament. I usually miss some raw midrange character (like 5150ish) with Recto standalone tones.

And + 1 for the TS. Also the Überschall benefits from a TS IMHO.

And Keiffer, props to you for being one of the few voices of reason on there man!


Hahaha, 5th post down on that thread man, he also posts here on occasion. And Slash, of course it's all personal preference, but if you're suggesting that the Recto can't get a raw midrange character, then I nominate the aforementioned "The Negation," Opeth's "Ghost Reveries," and Katatonia's "The Great Cold Distance" - all majority/100% recto :)
Hahaha, 5th post down on that thread man, he also posts here on occasion. And Slash, of course it's all personal preference, but if you're suggesting that the Recto can't get a raw midrange character, then I nominate the aforementioned "The Negation," Opeth's "Ghost Reveries," and Katatonia's "The Great Cold Distance" - all majority/100% recto :)

Yeah, but I usually don't get the best possible results going all Recto. It's mainly a thing of tonal character.

And just don't throw Jens Bogren in here, that's unfair! :lol:
You know, I go to HCAF less and less every month for the very same reasons. I guess with my nickname I'd seem to fit in better there but even though I know dick about recording I at least learn something every time I come here or I hear some awesome music from many of you talented folks.

I bought a Dual Rec in 1995 and I didn't like it for a few reasons that I've come to suspect were mostly 'noob' related. I replaced it with a Triaxis 2:90 which I loved for super gain and it had a usable clean ( wait, hold off on the napalm fellas ) and I sold that too because I wasn't 100% happy with it. I also think that the Triaxis could have been a much more satisfying rig had a 'figured it out' but I didn't want to put that much work into it. After 2 years of tweaking and a re-tube I gave up. I like what I have now a lot and I also like a lot of stuff done with Rectos. I know that just because I didn't love the Mesa stuff that doesn't mean it's junk. I have an open mind and an appreciation for diversity. So yeah, you could say that HCAF folks are generally Guitarded to the extreme. If you check the 'Guitardation' page on my site there's a whole slew of HCAF inspired 'grail-tone tips'.

I'm like the HIV, always gonna be around... get used to it.
And then the people with their "buy a Diezel" talk, trying to justify their humongous investments - apologies to Diezel owners, they may be good, but between them and Rectos I know which one I've heard COUNTLESS more awesome recorded tones from!


Don't knock them till you try them. I paid for the tone, plus amazing build quality and great MIDI control. For me, it was worth the price.
Oh I know, I didn't mean to say they don't sound good, but the fact is two most recognizable and awesome amps in metal can both be had for under $2k new, so while the >$2k amps might sound great and be built well, I highly doubt they sound better (at least not 2 grand better) than the good ol' 5150 and/or Recto! And then there are some expensive amps that to me sound like absolute dogshit (Framus Cobra being the big example, ugghh, fizz machine)
Well, you're possibly not paying 2k more for a better amp, but a differentone. But I know what you mean... I myself couldn't justify buying a Überschall at this point, though I love that thing... renting, connections ftw!

And - for a Euro guy - there's some unintended tongue in cheek humor in your statement, seeing how we're getting raped by Mesa price policies. ;) It's kinda funny, 10 years ago everyone had a huge boner for a DR here (Hello New Metal!) but nowadays it's such an Engl hype... especially Lasse's "favourite".. haha
Well, you're possibly not paying 2k more for a better amp, but a differentone. But I know what you mean... I myself couldn't justify buying a Überschall at this point, though I love that thing... renting, connections ftw!

And - for a Euro guy - there's some unintended tongue in cheek humor in your statement, seeing how we're getting raped by Mesa price policies. ;) It's kinda funny, 10 years ago everyone had a huge boner for a DR here (Hello New Metal!) but nowadays it's such an Engl hype... especially Lasse's "favourite".. haha

You can get a Dual rectifier from Thomann for a reduced price now. Only 2555 eur :). But seriously yeah, those prices are fucked up. For euro markets there should be a quarter rectifier :lol:
Oh I know, I didn't mean to say they don't sound good, but the fact is two most recognizable and awesome amps in metal can both be had for under $2k new, so while the >$2k amps might sound great and be built well, I highly doubt they sound better (at least not 2 grand better) than the good ol' 5150 and/or Recto! And then there are some expensive amps that to me sound like absolute dogshit (Framus Cobra being the big example, ugghh, fizz machine)

I know man, I was just messing with ya.

I think one of the reasons you don't hear it more on albums is because of the price. I totally agree, you can get great tone for much less, so why spend more? I will say, I have heard some German bands record the VH$/Herbie and it sounds awesome. To them it isn't much difference in price to buy a Diezel/Bogner compared to a Peavey/Mesa.

If a 5150 had built in midi and 4 channels, trust me, I would have bought one instead.