Uh? The fuck is going on in France?

don't tell anyone but Nad puts this shit on EVERYTHING


All Ketchup is not created equal

W Ketchup™ is made in America, from ingredients grown in the USA.

The leading competitor not only has 57 varieties, but has 57 foreign factories as well. W Ketchup comes in one flavor: American.

A Tough Choice

Choose Heinz and you're supporting Teresa Heinz and her liberal causes, such as Kerry for President.

I really hope the makers of W Ketchup are being at least a little tongue-in-cheek. Are there really people who are seriously offended by the thought of one or two of their pennies maybe being spent on a political campaign they don't like...?
one day, just browse around http://www.worldnetdaily.com or http://www.renewamerica.us and you'll find more asshats than you can shake a stick at.

and don't forget one of the slurs making its way around during the last election was that John Kerry had relatives in FRANCE and spent lots of time there as a kid, and even could SPEAK FRENCH and probably engaged in some of those awesome FRENCH SEXUAL TECHNIQUES.
lizard said:
don't tell anyone but Nad puts this shit on EVERYTHING

The leading competitor not only has 57 varieties, but has 57 foreign factories as well. W Ketchup comes in one flavor: American.

Why is that so unsettling?
and don't forget one of the slurs making its way around during the last election was that John Kerry had relatives in FRANCE and spent lots of time there as a kid, and even could SPEAK FRENCH and probably engaged in some of those awesome FRENCH SEXUAL TECHNIQUES.

:lol: , yeah, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for someone unless he spoke only one language (preferably English) somewhat poorly.
I saw something on the History Channel where a guy said people would apply for and receive Purple Hearts* for catching diseases from Vietnamese prostitutes. :rock:

*i'm sure the hearts weren't the only things that were purple lolz
I <3 steel soled boots. They're good for keeping you safe and add a nice rigidity to the boot for kicking shit. Like little fuckers who try and jump you for your wallet (more common than you'd think in my home town).
god damn nad said:
omg this thread has gone from wow to WOW.
and it's still on topic (kind of) because after the Vietnamese kicked the French out after Dien Bien Phu, the French were crafty enough to get us to take over so we could be humiliated by a semi-stoneage tunnel dwelling people who live on rice.:tickled:

"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'..."
so yeah, i guess the first death happened earlier today, some old dude. sucks.

i approve of taking shit to the streets, even if i am mostly pacifist.
which reminds me, i almost took matters into my own hands after watching Suburbia (old one, not new one) a month or two ago.

5am, drunk, and ready to run into my empty blvd. screaming BURN THIS MOTHAFUCKA DOWN!!!!! instead i had a smoke and passed out.