Ultimate Prog/tech death metal tour.....

J Acevedo was freaking from the title of the thread, and then reading that list of band names. He didn't have enough time for his peripheral vision to notice this was a fictitional tour set before he shat his pants! Hell, even I sat forward instantly when I saw IE and Necro in the same list!
I *think* Aghora is playing with Atheist in South Florida.

Thats cool. I know Santiago of Aghora is playing with Cynic too . I remember that Aghora opened for Necrophagist in South Florida I was told. I remember seeing Aghora's first show back in 2001 @ a place called Kafe Krystal. I used to know Charlie from Aghora when I used to jam with In Human Form and Open Fire ( a band w/ members of Gaia).
heh... they're the new Shadows Fall. I'm even getting bored with them at about the same rate.

The new Shadows Fall? I tend to disagree. Into Eternity have soo much more offer then then Shadow Falls. SF is completely boring and nothing more to me then trendy metalcore. There is also nothing Progressive about SF nor is there anything death metal about SF either.